Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 54 total)

  • RE: Multiple Joins and Group BY functions


    I am glad that I was able to help. For your second query, there are two things, which I can point out. First, if you are counting noComments, you should...

  • RE: complex select problem w history tables, date ranges


    Please keep in mind to help your fellow SQLServerCentral members by posting table structure and sample data, so that we can be at our best in helping you.

    Please try out...

  • RE: Multiple Joins and Group BY functions


    Adding the other "Names" to the group by clause should fix the issue.



    , count(rc.reviewID) AS noOfComments

    , cl.Name AS cruiseLine

    , cs.Name AS cruiseShip

    , cr.Name AS region

    from dbo.ReviewCruises r

    INNER JOIN dbo.ReviewCruiseComments...

  • RE: Problem with a Matrix Report


    This is the query for which the original author is now using for his reports. (Reporting Services against a SQL Server 2000 database, thus we cannot use the flexibility of...

  • RE: Variable in flat file destination


    Please provide table structure and some sample data. There is a number of ways in SSIS for SQL Server 2005 to accomplish what you need.


    Wameng Vang

  • RE: Problem with a Matrix Report


    I have replied to your PM. What I meant by IM, was my MSN contact information.

    Please keep in mind to post information in the original topic posting, not PMs. ;)...

  • RE: SSIS - change data organisation


    Without table schema/structure, and meaningful data, it is difficult to predict how the data will look.

    Please keep in mind to always post schema and meaningful data so that we can...

  • RE: Problem with a Matrix Report


    For now, judging from our postings, your query will return for each grade, a geocode, and a student count. Therefore, geocode can exist more than once, because you are grouping...



    I've read your most recent posting. Please submit the scripts for the table(s) structure. It would be nice to also get some sample data. This will allow me to dig...

  • RE: Problem with a Matrix Report


    Your Statement:


    ss.graden as Grade,

    s.geocode as Geo,



    stustat as ss inner join

    studemo as s on ss.suniq = s.suniq inner join

    track as t on ss.trkuniq = t.trkuniq


    t.schoolc = @School

    and ss.edate...

  • RE: Date / Time transactions

    El barto,

    Base on the DDL provided, we still need more information.

    Please provide some sample data.

    Please provide your current select statement.

    This will help reduce our time in providing a...

  • RE: Altering a column to allow nulls


    I could not reach the SQL Server Mobile documentation. However, I was able to locate the example syntax that you've provided. It is for SQL Server CE Edition. See:

    Base on...

  • RE: Date / Time transactions

    El barto,

    It is possible, however, in order for us to write specific sample queries for your specific table; you will need to provide the table structure/ DDL.


    Wameng Vang

  • RE: Altering a column to allow nulls


    Can you provide the link to BOL? I am interested to know where you found the syntax.

    However, to answer your question, you can use the following syntax:

    ALTER TABLE bvc_Affiliate


  • RE: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value xx to int

    joe pinder,

    Was that stored procedure code generated, by say a tool like CodeSmith? If so, you may need to modify the template, so that in the future it can be...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 54 total)