Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Profiler

    Jarret, you are right I was quite confused with to much information.

    I set the filter for the textdata LIKE:

    INSERT%, UPDATE%, DELETE%, %sp_prepexec% and %sp_execute and I got only two lines...

  • RE: Moving SQL 2000 to new array

    Yesterday I move master, model and msdb from one directory to another (in a demo database) and it works fine. I used document 224071 from to do it.


  • RE: Move sqlserver to another server

    I mean...if the master,model, and all the other databases where placed in D:\mssql\data in serverA I put them in D:\mssql\data in serverB, and then startup SQL2000 serverB.

  • RE: Move sqlserver to another server

    I don't want to attach the files, just put them in the same driver than the SERVERA.

    I'm planning backup and restore the system databases too (master, model and msdb).

    Then it...

  • RE: Move sqlserver to another server

    Maybe I did not explain my task very clear.

    I have to move an SQL2000 from serverA

    to serverB with differents IPs.

    ServerA will not be a Database server anymore, but it will...

  • RE: Move sqlserver to another server

    Neder: The serverB will have a different name and a different IP.

    Johnsonj: Unfortunately I can not your method, becouse I will not have both machines at the same time.

    For been...

  • RE: Move sqlserver to another server

    Also I red that I have to run the commands (in server B):

    sp_dropserver 'SERVERA'

    and then

    sp_addserver 'SERVERB','local'

  • RE: Move sqlserver to another server

    I am replacing the server.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)