Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • Reply To: CTAS data load incremental

    You can maybe tweak your code to create a new warehouse table and swap it with the existing one. The code below is from a Microsoft article on CTAS, specifically...

  • Reply To: Custom Schemas

    We currently use schemas to separate the different areas of our enterprise data warehouse (landing, staging and warehouse layers). We also have customer specific schemas for the landing and staging...

  • RE: Guess the RTM Build


  • RE: Incremental Data Load

    It's SSIS 2008 and I've set the Lookup for full cache, redirect rows to no match output. It does work but takes a long to time to cache as it...

  • RE: Snack Attack

    A Lion Bar and a Coke on a Friday afternoon ends my week quite nicely!!

  • RE: Convert column in multiple rows to a single csv column

    This might help



    , [object_id]

    , [index_id]

    , [partition_number]

    , [csv column] = substring((SELECT ( ', ' + [alloc_unit_type_desc] )

    FROM [sys].[dm_db_index_physical_stats] (8, NULL, NULL , NULL, 'SAMPLED') as s2

    WHERE s2.[database_id] = s1.[database_id]...

  • RE: British/American Date Mixup

    Sorry, was a bit brain dead yesterday! That worked a treat thanks.

  • RE: DateTime Problems

    That worked great thanks! Link is extremely helpful

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)