Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • Reply To: The Developer Arguments for Stored Procedures

    In my understanding, around 2005 people started to notice that developers were putting business logic in stored procedures, and they advised against this practice. When this advice was picked up,...

  • Reply To: The Sequel to SQL

    It's not about marketing vs developers. Not at all. It's not about doing away with the need for skilled professional developers. It's about getting things done.

    Information systems design is primarily...

  • Reply To: You're not really that good at SQL Server

    The longer I am in life, the more I think that many men don't learn to be good fathers. They learn just enough to solve the problems they face and...

  • RE: Data Profiling with T-SQL

    Two more errors I ran into:

    (1) Line 217 and 218 read

  • RE: Data Profiling with T-SQL

    The ISDATE function does not work for columns with long texts. 

    When I replaced 

            WHERE ISDATE(' + QUOTENAME(@COLUMN_NAME) + ') = 1)


Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)