Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Dynamic color of font for single wordin large texts

    Hey SSC Veteran,

    thanks for the inspiration. HTML tags and some SQL like

    select left(convert(varchar(max),anweisungen),CHARINDEX(@Schlagwort,Anweisungen)-1) +'<B><U>' +@Schlagwort+ '</B></U>' +substring(anweisungen,CHARINDEX(@Schlagwort,Anweisungen) + LEN(@Schlagwort),9000) as...

    and I am happy πŸ˜€



  • RE: Field of polygonelayer for link

    Wow... It works

    Thanks a lot. 😎

  • RE: Field of polygonelayer for link

    These Data are embedded in the polygone (shp-file). In the map are the map, the polygone and the Points witch come from a dataset.

  • RE: select with a while loop

    Hey, here the second function.

    ItΒ΄s just for reporting, so the performance is not my top point πŸ™‚

    Whats better then while?

    create FUNCTION isArbeitstag(@cDatum DATETIME, @typus AS INTEGER)


    @cdatum= Datum, das kontrolliert...

  • RE: select with a while loop


    Add a new function.

    create FUNCTION AnzahlArbeitstage(@Start datetime , @End datetime)

    RETURNS int


    declare @diff int, @C int

    select @diff = 0,

    @C = datediff(dd,@start,@End)

    while @C >0


  • RE: permissions denied

    That's stupid...

    The root folder have also permissions... :crying:

    That's what I say: When you done everything right, things are working....

  • RE: permissions denied

    I think that this is not a problem of the 2016.

    On an other maschine (2008 + SQL2014) I have the same problem.

    Seems that I done something basically wrong.

  • RE: permissions denied

    All done this,

    - IE run as Administrator

    - UAC is out

    - I am locked on as local Admin on the maschine via rdp

    - restart the service everytime.

    nothing worked πŸ™

    The system:...

  • RE: count column and group by year, but missing Years with null

    Thanks for help

    That's what know I found...

    select y.Anzahl,x.Jahr


    (select count(*) as Anzahl,

    year(Datum) as Jahr

    from KdTickets

    where Typ = 1

    and infonr = 8233

    group by year(Datum)


    full join

    (select year(getdate())-3 as Jahr


    select year(getdate())-2 as...

  • RE: Variable with <> or =

    That works.

    Thanks a lot. :satisfied:

  • RE: Variable with <> or =


    I have in my select a column called "Mitarbeiter". I like to search for Mitarbeiter in ('SB','MS','BE') or Mitarbeiter not in ('SB','MS','BE')

    The 'IN' or 'NOT IN' I want to...

  • RE: Diffrent Colors for Weekdays

    Hey Pieter,

    thanks for help. I tryed, but it would not be working.

    See what I have done in Screenshot. Maybe it is the wrong point to do that.

    Thanks a...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)