Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 63 total)

  • RE: sql procedure

    i want to concat row with comma separator and before that need to add one statement which is common ..

  • RE: sql procedure

    Yes i need concatenation here i user group_concat function but ,

    select group_concat('your perfomance is good in',trait_name order by trait_name separator ',')

    but its showing your perfomance is good in numerical,'your perfomance...

  • RE: Perfomance issue with storeprocedure

    Ok i will read the articles if any doubt then again will ask you... please support me for that.

  • RE: Perfomance issue with storeprocedure

    Mostly i need to create index on primary key but.... primary key is irself a clustered index.. is there any index which work fast on primary key.

  • RE: Perfomance issue with storeprocedure

    I have no idea about indexing actually...

    can you please tell how it can implement on database.

    step i followed to search :-

    1. I opened the table design.

    2. right click on primary...

  • RE: Perfomance issue with storeprocedure

    Actually i need all columns from view and storeprocedure.

    one of my friend recommended me to use index... i am not using index in database. is it really feasible solution to...

  • RE: Performance and tuning

    Can you please tell me what query execution plan does actually to help us in performance tuning? How it could i use?

  • RE: Regarding data migation with update delete insert

    Yah it means i need to take college code in college_cutoffmaster table right???

    but i m confused here see below query,

    insert into College_Maharashtra_BEngcutoffmaster1([CutoffId],cutoff,collegeid,degreeid,streamid,entranceid,gender,UniversityType,Capround,collegecode)

    select a.[CutoffId],[Cutoff],[CollegeId],[DegreeId],[StreamId],[EntranceId],[Gender],[UniversityType],[Capround],b.collegecode from College_CutoffMaster a, College_CutoffCodeTransition b

    where a.cutoffid=b.cutoffid

    here by...

  • RE: Regarding data migation with update delete insert

    I designed table of college_cutoffmaster as a master table there is different collegecode for each stream means each cutoffid will contain different college code.

  • RE: Regarding data migation with update delete insert

    I executed it.. all values are coming unique in table but i want a collegecode from cutoffcode transition that is coming null 🙁

  • RE: Regarding data migation with update delete insert

    Yes there will be a only one cutoff if in codetransition table

    I did a changes u suggested as below,

    alter trigger trg_After_Cutoffmaster_Insert on




    declare @CutoffId numeric(18,0);

    declare @Cutoff numeric(18,0);

    declare @CollegeId...

  • RE: Regarding data migation with update delete insert

    Please help me i get trapped over here in trigger again,

    It's giving duplicate records

    tables i have as below

    First one

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[College_CutoffMaster](

    [CutoffId] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [Cutoff] [numeric](18, 0) NULL,

    [CollegeId] [numeric](18,...

  • RE: Regarding data migation with update delete insert

    Yah It's working Now for specific id 🙂

    Thank you

  • RE: Regarding data migation with update delete insert

    Please see the table [dbo].[Employee_Test]

    Emp_ID Emp_name Emp_Sal Id

    1 Anees 1000.00 1

    2 Rick 1200.00 4

    3 John 1100.00 2

    4 Stephen 1300.00 1

    5 Maria 1400.00 1

    6 pallavi 1400.00 3

    in that one column is exist named "Id"

    so want to insert a record for specific id which i mentiond in trigger for inser query see,


  • RE: Regarding data migation with update delete insert

    I implemented trigger on one table,

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employee_Test](

    [Emp_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [Emp_name] [varchar](100) NULL,

    [Emp_Sal] [decimal](10, 2) NULL,

    [Id] [numeric](18, 0) NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employee_Test_Audit](

    [Emp_ID] [int] NULL,

    [Emp_name] [varchar](100) NULL,

    [Emp_Sal] [decimal](10, 2)...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 63 total)