Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 161 total)

  • RE: New Forums are Live!

    The old forum allowed you to subscribe at a forum level and receive all posts to current and new threads.

    However, the new forum...

  • RE: leap years and t-sql

    Try this......

    select isdate('29 Feb 2003') = 0 (False)

    select isdate('29 Feb 2004') = 1 (True)

  • RE: missing performance counters

    I have also lost the Performance Counters for SQL on one of my servers, although it was upgraded to SP3 (along with my other servers) a while ago and therefore...

  • RE: VB ActiveX Job Step - Not Executing

    1. There are no MsgBox or Input command in the script.

    2. The filepath is a local path and not a network path.

    More importantly, I have now found another way to...

  • RE: VB ActiveX Job Step - Not Executing

    Thanks Phill, but using Function Main() stalls the job in the same way as not using Function Main().

  • RE: UDF

    You could try concatenating the two values together with say a pipe delimiter then returning them as a single varchar.

    You would then have to split them up again in the...

  • RE: RANDOM positive integer number

    You will find that you cannot use the RAND function within a UDF since it is non-deterministic.

    As a work around you could create a view which returns a random number...

  • RE: Exclude from transaction

    Asking SQL to exclude certain Tables from the Transaction is unlikely to be possible.

    Transaction integrity is one of the core aspect of a databases ACID compliance, it is very unlikely...

  • RE: Exclude from transaction

    I think you will find that the ROLLBACK will also rollback anything you have written to your audit tables.

    In line with the way that many other applications work, you should...

  • RE: Using a variable value as an object name

    By using parameterised calls to sp_executesql, it is possible for the query optimiser to generate reusable query plans. (See BOL).

  • RE: Using a variable value as an object name

    You need to look at using a dynamic SQL statement where you build the statement as a varchar (string) and then execute it.

    declare @sql nvarchar(4000)

    set @sql = 'select * from...

  • RE: New security hole

    What security access is required for the account under which the SQL Server is running under on the server.

    I am sure that many people may be using an sa account,...

  • RE: Retrieving data from elements and attributes.

    Don't worry, found the answer....

    select *

    from openxml (@idoc, '/root/item', 3)

    with ( id int '@id',

    item varchar(15) '.')

  • RE: QOD for 19/06/03

    The correct answer states Enterprise Edition, should this not be Enterprise Manager?



    ....straight from BOL!

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 161 total)