Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

  • RE: Is work just work?

    jay-h - Thursday, March 30, 2017 7:05 AM

    Jason Mirsky - Wednesday, March 29, 2017 11:33 PM

  • RE: Is work just work?

    A few years ago I was stuck working a retail job. We noticed that almost every day a truck pulled into the parking lot around 9, with the driver sitting...

  • RE: The Multilingual Programmer

    .....IBM 360
    FORTRAN (Hollerith cards)
    IBM 360 Assembler (Hollerith cards) 
    Pascal, SNOBOL (and several other languages I can't think of, from a survey course)
    .....Atari 800

  • RE: A Fun Distraction

    I'll be writing up some workshop proposals for Penguicon 2017, for the writing and anime tracks. And completing a couple musical instrument cases, and trying to get some practicing done.


  • RE: The Pressure to Compromise Ethics

    David.Poole (11/30/2016)

    Has anyone blown the whistle and NOT had to leave the company shortly afterwards? Did the act of whistle blowing damage your long term career?

    As long as the...

  • RE: The Pressure to Compromise Ethics

    I suspect in many cases the task is broken down and parceled out to several people, none of them may have a large enough picture of what's going on. That's...

  • RE: The Years of Experience

    In all fairness people applying to permanent jobs do the same thing 😛

    Very true!

  • RE: The Years of Experience

    Sometimes being a consultant (especially a self-employed consultant) can be a skills trap. As a consultant, you're hired for skills you already have, and nobody wants to pay big bucks...

  • RE: Salaries and Experience

    It seems the 'sell-by date' for IT workers gets lower and lower, yet I never see this pointed out to people starting out in the field. IT has that in...

  • RE: Deleting Data

    I just want to claim copyright on all my life data. Then if someone's using it without paying the price I set, I'll go all "RIAA" and seize their servers...

  • RE: Deleting Data

    I know someone in the US who committed a minor "stealing a snickers bar" offense that ended up in the police blotters of a couple local newspapers. When you search...

  • RE: Overcoming Proposal Objections

    The way I've heard it, a "Wild A$$ Guess" is making up a figure that sounds good to you. A "Scientific Wild A$$ Guess" involves basing your guess on a...

  • RE: Overcoming Proposal Objections

    Sometimes there's a hidden and perverse reason for not accepting a proposal that seems perfectly reasonable to you.

    One place I worked had a rotten system that needed constant attention from...

  • RE: The Geek Costume

    Wouldn't a Linux Tux costume, BSD's Beastie, or Open BSD's Puffy rate highly on the geek-o-meter?

    Ooooh! Even better- the superhero Sudo! Sudo can do ANYTHING!

  • RE: The Geek Costume

    One of the fun things about steampunk stuff is that it encourages you to come up with your own character/backstory and figure out a way to reflect that in your...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)