Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

  • RE: Collect data en show it in a graph

    Ow, I really love SSRS, believe me, but I want to use this tool for ad-hoc monitoring without the need for installing SSRS etc.

    I'd like to view...

  • RE: Pivot query needed

    Here's the whole script

    DECLARE @sSql AS varchar(max)

    DECLARE @cols as varchar(max)

    SET @cols = '' + QUOTENAME( Convert ( nvarchar,dateadd("d",-1,getdate()),105 ) )...

  • RE: Pivot query needed

    Hi all,

    thanks for the replies; I tried to create a dynamic query, it's almost working. Here's the code:

    DECLARE @cols as varchar(max)

    SET @cols = '' + QUOTENAME( Convert ( nvarchar,dateadd("d",-1,getdate()),105...

  • RE: union all and ordering the data

    That's so polite of you. I think he thinks he's better than those as well :hehe:.

    Sound like a little sarcastic to me or am I wrong ?

    I hope he...

  • RE: union all and ordering the data

    I will respect those who knows a lot of something, so I'll expect some respect too. He started SQL once and asked "stupid" of basic questions too.

    I hate replies like...

  • RE: union all and ordering the data

    notoriousdba (9/7/2011)


    Maybe you haven't been in this game long enough to know who Joe Celko is. Not for nothing, but if he talks, you should listen.

    I will listen, but I...

  • RE: union all and ordering the data

    How nice for you!

    O Yes it is nice !

    Gridview? Who cares? This is an SQL forum.

    ever heard of background information wich can be usefull to share ?


  • RE: Backup plan

    Restoring transactions is not available in SQL Express (at least not in the SSMS), so I guess this isn't an option.

    I just tested some stuff and I can restore my...

  • RE: Backup plan

    at the moment the recovery model is simple, but I can change it easily. I want to backup databases every 4 hours. I always thought that when I create a...

  • RE: Execute number of Stored Procedures

    well, I guess this solution will work for me since there is no tool.

    Thanks and a merry Christmas everyone !

  • RE: Execute number of Stored Procedures

    Sorry for my start post, this is exactly what I mean: a tool to open & execute .SQL files with CREATE comands etc. I don't want to open and execute...

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)