Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 45 total)

  • RE: Linked Server vs Firebird

    I also found the same article googling, but it seems that

    'No, Free IBProvider can't work with linked server in MSSQL'

    and IBProvider Pro is not free.

    Thanks anyway for support.

  • RE: Having a MDF and NDF

    It's not a problem to have 2 or more datafiles.

    In a case opposite than yours I have problems, since the first datafile mdf contains both system and non system...

  • RE: Having a MDF and NDF

    Dipending on their design, some databases have only system objects on file mdf, and other objects data on further file ndf.

    That could be the reason for little dimension.

    For my experience,...

  • RE: 2 sqlservr.exe processes on same server, overhead!

    I forgot to say that in previous days we installed, for a trial period, FogLight monitor. The Sql Server cluster's nodes were the hosts monitored.

    Has anyone experienced similar problems with...

  • RE: Linked Server working only for user 'sa' with Sql Native Client

    Remote server has only the 'si' login for our use, I have to it for all local logins, also for 'sa', which, it's true, exists on remote server, but with...

  • RE: Linked Server working only for user 'sa' with Sql Native Client

    I map 'sa' and 'pinco', which are both sql server logins, with the same remote login 'si'.

    If instead of Sql Native Client I use Ole Db Provider for Sql Server,...

  • RE: Execute sql without writing on transaction log

    Many thanks!


  • RE: TempDB issue, help required

    If you have a test server, with the db, try to run



    to empty the cache and rerun the query. You should have the same resource usage as...

  • RE: How to check since how long this job is running

    Try to look in activity monitor, start_time, last_batch, wait_time of your process.

  • RE: Database size issue


    maybe you mean that you prefer not to have big datafiles. You can set a max file size, and create a new one when you need (when the first is...

  • RE: Execute sql without writing on transaction log

    Many thank for the scripts and replies.

    Steve you're perfectly right, saying 'Schedule log backups based on your needs for data loss and recovery.'

    I was considering only space aspects while writing,...

  • RE: Execute sql without writing on transaction log

    Thanks for replies,

    as Adam says, the only thing I was 'worried' about is the possibility to fill the transaction log during night, and cause disases to users (Hospital databases).

    The test...

  • RE: generate report

    You should verify the retention for job history, it could be that you cannot dispose of one month of history, sending the notification solves this problem.

  • RE: generate report


    the quickest and simpliest way I'm thinking is to configure a notification in the job properties, to your e-mail adress, selecting the option 'when the job completes'.

  • RE: Baackup Failures

    After the first backup script, you can define a cursor on msdb.dbo.backupset

    and rerun your script for dbs having last backup date

    older than you need.

    If you see that at...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 45 total)