Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 31 through 41 (of 41 total)

  • RE: sp_executesql Question

    Yes, Jeff, I agree that's the way it's supposed to work.  But, I think what's happening in this particular case, since the table is so large, SQL Server in it's...

  • RE: Missing Icons in DTS Designer

    I think it has something to do with the dtsui.dll file or something that it calls.  When I rename this file, and open the designer, the error goes away and...

  • RE: Select Statement Using Not In and Null Values

    I got around it ok. I just don't recall ever encountering this circumstance before. I usually, for whatever reason, find it quicker to compose 'not in' sytax queries...

  • RE: Select Statement Using Not In and Null Values

    Still not getting it. I don't understand how one entry with a "value" of null is preventing SQL from reporting the other entries that...

  • RE: Select Statement Using Not In and Null Values

    I'm not sure I quite understand. Why wouldn't it ignore the null value or at least not stop there but continue the next records in the table?

  • RE: QOD 17th Nov

    I thought this was a no-brainer, which is why I was a little suspicious when it was worth 2 points instead of 1. I don't mind trick questions, but...

  • RE: QOD 8/13/2003

    Well said, Calvin. As long as we're on the subject, if you were referring to the Judeo-Christian God, it really should be capitalized... 😉

  • RE: Autoclose for Databases

    When I first upgraded some production servers from 6.5 to 7.0, either I made an error, or it was set as the default (I'm of course claiming the latter), all...

  • RE: Runaway Rollback

    Yes -

    status - runnable

    waittype - 0x0000


  • RE: Runaway Rollback

    I just did a progress, and this rollback is not doing anything! The status hasn't changed. Is it safe to assume that it's "stuck?" The only place...

  • RE: Bulk Logged Recovery Mode

    I use the Bulk Logged Recovery and hourly transaction log backups and do a continual restore to another server. This allows at most one hour lag time, which is...

Viewing 11 posts - 31 through 41 (of 41 total)