Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: The IT Employee Benchmark

    In general, I agree, and certainly the attitude to certificates as described has been a widespread attitude anywhere I have ever worked over the last 15 years (UK).

    There is distinct...

  • RE: Query regarding BULK INSERT

    yeah , Jeff's suggestion would be the easiest way.

  • RE: Query regarding BULK INSERT

    Oh and consider bulk inserting the data "as-is" i.e. in the 2 seperate fields into a staging table - then concatenating them when you load into the actual table(s).

    It's also...

  • RE: Query regarding BULK INSERT

    TO deal with the separator, you need to create (and use) a format file with your BULK INSERT.

    Any number of web articles will help you out with this - sorry,...

  • RE: ALL

    🙂 glad that's sorted then. I'm not even playing for points so any and all comments/questions of mine can be taken to be innocent of motive :-).

  • RE: ALL

    Of course these questions aren't about just running the SQL 🙂

    The question's main intent is clear, it's a pretty simple question about ALL - and I am not at...

  • RE: ALL

    Depends on whether the collation is case-sensitive or not. If it is the answer is 1...

    --case sensitive

    create table TimeGROUP(column1 varchar(255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_Cp1_Cs_AS)

    Insert into TimeGROUP (column1) values('value1')

    Insert into TimeGROUP...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)