Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 112 total)

  • RE: The transaction log for database is full

    OK I din't read your previous response carefully:-D.


    select * from sys.databases

    the log_reuse_wait_desc shows the reason.

  • RE: The transaction log for database is full

    Run the DBCC OPENTRAN('dbname') to see if there is any long running open transaction preventing the log file to be truncated.

    also run CHECKPOINT and then try to shrink...

  • RE: Cannot defrag indexes

    Thanks Perry I didn't know in case of using sql server 2000 by rebuilding non unique cluster indexes any non clustered indexes whould be rebuit too.But that's not the case...

  • RE: Cannot defrag indexes

    To be honest I didn't read the last sentence in your reply to OPC and thought your were saying the exact opposite. Didn't mean to offend you.

  • RE: Cannot defrag indexes

    I said what i had to

  • RE: Cannot defrag indexes

    You're not the only one here with some years of experience here!! I've been doing this for 7 years . can just instead of repeating your claim give a reason...

  • RE: Cannot defrag indexes

    Check the book SQL SERVER 2008 Administration in action

    This is a very complete sql admin reference it says what I'm saying I also checked MSDN and other references on...

  • RE: Cannot defrag indexes

    You can also try it to see what happens

  • RE: Cannot defrag indexes

    They don't point to anything because they are not a pointer it's just the clustered key which is stored in the NCI leaf level pages and this key value remains...

  • RE: Cannot defrag indexes

    It is the clustered index key that stored in the nonclustered leaf level pages and not the address of any thing unless the tables is a heap which in that...

  • RE: Cannot defrag indexes

    As far as I know in the leaf level of any nonclustered index in addition to index key(s) or included columns, the clustered index key(s) are stored. In this case...

  • RE: Cannot defrag indexes

    By rebuilding Clustered indexes ,index definition(index key) are not changed so why should any Nonclustered index get rebuilt??

  • RE: How much space is required to rebuild all my indexes

    you can change the recovery model from Full to Bulk-logged . In this case the rebuild process is minimally logged and it's so helpful reducing ldf growth.Also you can just...

  • RE: Cannot defrag indexes

    It was my own fault. Because there were so many indexes I didn't read all the error messages during Defrag .As David said it was because of BLOB field in...

  • RE: Cannot defrag indexes

    No the index does not contain any BLOB data types and no specific order is used in defraging them.

    this is the script I wrote to defrag them:

    USE [master]


    ALTER DATABASE [Uthertube]...

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 112 total)