Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: Isolation levels - Database Engine

    Hi Derek, I agree with you and Irish Flyer hat this a plain read committed isolation level scenario.

    By the way, I like your scripts. Nicely contained, but...

  • RE: Identity puzzle

    Thank you, Tim. You get the bonus points and the bonus bonus points.

    Here's my quick tsql for wrapping this up. This is still more work than I want...

  • RE: Identity puzzle

    Hmmm, that bonus question has made it kind of quiet around here until Tim came through.

    Tim Wilson-Brown

    The answer to the bonus question is to use DBCC CHECKIDENT without reseeding


  • RE: Identity puzzle

    I am glad to see so many people getting this right. And for 3 points!

    It certainly does not operate according to how I expect things to work. I...

  • RE: Complicated Comments

    I love using inline comments. Especially when hacking complex sql.

    For example:

    with something like this, I can switch things up using simple inline comments

    select a


    -- ,c


  • RE: virtual backups of system dbs after fresh install SS2K5 sp3

    Thanks for the comments.

    I just installed another instance. No backups this time. I'll monitor and report in this thread.

    BTW this is on a Windows 2003 on...

  • RE: Complicated Comments

    Interesting and fun. My answer was 1,4,5,7,8 --wrong. I am amazed to see so many smarties out there get it right!

    I checked the syntax highlighting in various tools...

  • RE: identity problem

    2 ALZDBA

    Thank you for your script. I am still disappointed that this is consistently inconsistent with what I expect. Using my visual parsing powers, I can see that...

  • RE: identity problem

    Thanks to all. I'm finally back to where I started, which is to delete and reseed. As dmc says, you can't truncate if you have foreign keys and...

  • RE: identity problem

    Thank for the pointers, dmc and Gsquared:

    The answer is that's just the way it is. On dmc's reply I went to read the manual:

    If no rows have been...

  • RE: How to eliminate duplicate records from a database table?

    Read all about it. Here's the link to 'Common table expressions' aka the '' construct in MS-T-SQL.

    I had trouble googling for 'WITH AS'. Thought I would...

  • RE: How to eliminate duplicate records from a database table?

    That's awesome, turkbuku. I've use this construct (rank over blah0 with Oracle's rowid, but rowid is not available in SQL server. But this 'with' contruct works as...

  • RE: SSIS and Stored procedures using temp tables

    In Reply to STJ, you're right in that I left out the enclosing block that made the contract SQL ninja-like. I was just suggesting a way to cast off...

  • RE: SSIS and Stored procedures using temp tables

    Good article. I'm not using SSIS currently, but I like the path of exploring and researching in finding a solution.

    I'm wondering if this would work in making the contract...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)