Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

  • RE: Duplicates

    Good point.  But read my entire post.  I'm trying to suggest possible tools for getting out a report while also getting his to tackle the real issue which is that...

  • RE: Duplicates

    Actually, when I looked at my second suggestion I realized it was incomplete.  You don't care if they have more than one application as long as they give the same...

  • RE: Duplicates

    While on the topic of business requirements, who is responsible for the source data and would they want to clean up records where there appears to be either incorrect ssn...

  • RE: What is the difference between mySQL and SQL ?

    Expense is really a TCO calculation.  If you are not going to use DTS/SSIS to move data around, won't use reporting services and don't need to develop applications that integrate...

  • RE: CREATE VIEW for sensitive info

    Have you considered returning the data from a stored procedure, and then only giving the user the rights to execute the stored procedure? 



  • RE: Invalid data values

    I can't tell you from your code why it shouldn't work, though I've had similar issues in the past using very similar code.  The next step I would take would be...

  • RE: Business Intelligence or Data Warehouse

    A very nice clear presentation of an often (and sometimes deliberately) confusing set of terms.  I have one other suggestion, though.  The term business intelligence system is correctly defined in...

  • RE: Beyond BI

    One part of the Gates editorial which struck me was the comment that we tend to over estimate how much will change in the next two years and under estimate...

  • RE: Information Poll

    I'm actually still quite fond of reading books.  But my problems are more data warehousing/ data mining rather than DBA/developer oriented and tend to operate on more generous schedules that...

  • RE: Being Retained

    Steve focuses on the value employees place on feeling their job is secure, but also on the value they place on being challenged to grow professionally.  In most organizations there...

  • RE: FACT Table Creation

    Let me strongly recommend that instead of reading about Kimball's model, you actually take the time to read his book The Data Warehouse Toolkit to get a clearer concept of...

  • RE: Congratulations Frank


    As someone who lurks much more than I post, I have benefited from several of your posts and want you to know that you have a great impact not only...

  • RE: Can I change a table name in T-SQL code?

    Dynamic SQL was exactly what I wasn't quite seeing.  Thanks for the suggestion.  I worked quite easily.

  • RE: DTS Import Issue

    I'm facing exactly the same issue.  I have a DTS package that collects new and changed records that are posted from our campus administrative system to a set of text...

  • RE: A couple of Databases Versus Many Databases

    We have 83 databases running on one installation of SQL Server 2000, and performance is better than when I had 3 on a less powerful dedicated server running SQL Server...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)