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Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 38 total)

  • Reply To: How to determine backup files needed for PIT recovery?

    Lynn Pettis wrote:

    I am slightly confused.  Are you doing restores to the same point in time each time you do a restore?  Also, what are you attempting to achieve with these...

  • Reply To: How to determine backup files needed for PIT recovery?

    Super Cat wrote:

    The script restores all logs after the FULL backup. How do you determine at which point in the last log file you need to restore to and what is...

  • Reply To: How to determine backup files needed for PIT recovery?

    Hi Super Cat,

    Thanks for the script, but this only does a complete restore and not a point-in-time one.  SSMS can create this for me easily.  It's when there's multiple restores...

  • Reply To: How to determine backup files needed for PIT recovery?


    As I mentioned, SSMS incorrectly claims the LSN chain is broken, so I'm needing to bypass it.



  • RE: The Single Pane of Glass

    If there's a decent dashboard for SS, Win, Unix/Linux, Oracle, and Networking, I'd like to see it.  Spotlight works well for us (smallish-to-medium business with a lean staff) for SS...

  • RE: Geeky Entertainment

    richj-826679 (2/28/2014)

    I gave up on the mini-series because they had changed the characters and a bunch of the story completely.,0,1420864,showall.photogallery

  • RE: Geeky Entertainment

    Was the series bad? I listened to the audio book and loved it.

    Ditto to the audio book. I gave up on the mini-series because they had changed the characters...

  • RE: Geeky Entertainment

    +1 for Foundation

    The Dark Tower series by Stephen King was supposedly in the works. Hopefully it would translate better than the mangling of Under the Dome.

    Kingkiller Chronicles by Rothfuss


  • RE: Early Software

    My 1st was also a VIC-20 -- which is nothing like the C=64 I eventually upgraded to, Eric! 😉 A BASIC manual and then a 6502 Assembler manual...

  • RE: Use Tools

    I heart automation -- correction: GOOD automation -- because I believe it's vital for the solo DBA's sanity. I loathe the 1MB "Everything's OK!" daily emails that list every...

  • RE: Accept Failure

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (2/22/2012)

    Sending good karma your way. May all your chips be flawless and your configuration completed with no ill effects.

    Karma received!

    Old 48GB RAM + New 48GB...

  • RE: Accept Failure

    Thanks, Steve, but you could have waited until after my DB server RAM upgrade and all of the reconfiguration accompanying it tonight...


    "An expert is a man who has made all...

  • RE: Healthy Work Habits

    After a day of DBAing, once the wife and kids are in bed, I usually end up back in front of the monitor. After a few decades doing DP/MIS/IS/IT...

  • RE: The Employment Contract

    GilaMonster (12/9/2011)

    I've worked with someone in the past who insisted on everything in her job responsibilities be written down and spelled out exactly with no 'and other duties' listed. She...

  • RE: A Welcome Intruder

    IMHO (12/2/2011)

    The easiest way to penetrate a system is to have the password. As long there are phones out there with rootkits capturing urls and keystrokes, none of our...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 38 total)