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Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

  • Reply To: Disaster Recovery in Another Region

    This could be an exception, but as a general rule, disk replication does not allow for data integrity for database without gaps in data integrity protection.  The first is that...

  • Reply To: Working with NULL Values in an ADF Data Flow?

    No problem - I just took some exception to some of the language, based, I am sure, on decades of trying to get people to understand this.  Showing a NULL...

  • Reply To: Working with NULL Values in an ADF Data Flow?

    Nick, I think that technically, NULL does in fact mean unknown.  Both TRUE = NULL and FALSE = NULL are evaluated as false.

  • Reply To: Working with NULL Values in an ADF Data Flow?

    Sorry, but you said it again.  You imply that NULL is not meaningful.  It is, and it has a very specific meaning in three state logic.  If you use three...

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  rick-1071254.
  • Reply To: Working with NULL Values in an ADF Data Flow?

    I agree with Nick, but let's go even father.  NULL is not a meaningless value.  NULL indicates a valid state in three state logic.  To simply replace it with some...

  • Reply To: Using OFFSET for Paging

    The truly sad part about this discussion is the lack of understanding of data integrity and consistency.  Sigh.

  • Reply To: Using OFFSET for Paging

    This is getting tiring.

    Except snapshot isolation does not automatically do what you say as it operates on an individual statement level.  So each subsequent query might still use different data.


  • Reply To: Using OFFSET for Paging

    Snapshot Isolation doesn't let you for example just write a query where you can say show me the query based on the data from 10 minutes ago.

    I don't know snapshot...

  • Reply To: Using OFFSET for Paging

    Do you expect your bank account to be locked while you page through your transaction history?

    Not if I am the only one accessing it, which is exactly what multi-version consistency...

  • Reply To: Using OFFSET for Paging

    Snapshot isolation?

    Bingo.  And there are other solutions with other databases.

    And, no, you are incorrect about the problem, which is stated quite clearly in the first sentence of the section labeled,...

  • Reply To: Using OFFSET for Paging

    ZZartin -

    Getting a second page of data is not rerunning a query.  It's getting more data from a single query.  That is what is under discussion in this article and...

  • Reply To: Using OFFSET for Paging

    Nope, just wrong.  Multi-version read consistency does not introduce phantom rows - it gives a consistent view of data at a single point in time.  Databases are state machines -...

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by  rick-1071254.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by  rick-1071254.
  • Reply To: Using OFFSET for Paging

    ZZartin -

    I think this is another example of a basic misunderstanding.  If the result set used to build the pages is different from one set to another, it most definitely...

  • Reply To: Using OFFSET for Paging

    "Design your system for it"

    Whoa, slow down, let's not get all crazy here.  <g>  Violent agreement.

  • Reply To: Using OFFSET for Paging

    Jeff -

    There are other options out there.  Databases that use multi-version read consistency do exactly what you are asking - present an accurate picture of the state of data at...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)