Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)

  • RE: MDX for Cube Measure Based on Dimension Value

    happycat59 (1/15/2014)

    How about

    SUM ( { [Billing Type].[Type].&[Bill] } , [Measures].[Hours] )

    That did it.

    I have really got to get through some MDX courses. Self-taught or otherwise.

    Thank you....

  • RE: SQLServerCentral apologizes and you can win a book

    Kudos to SSC for being on top of this and going above and beyond.

    Here is some SQL I use to calculate a rolling P95 average.



    DATEADD(M,T.N - 1, TD.First_Worked) as...

  • RE: Fact Table Not Processing

    hrvoje.piasevoli (11/8/2012)

    Hi Rob,

    That number converted to something understandable is roughly 270 years!? For a service request? 🙂

    The easiest way to see if your processing is failing because of this number...

  • RE: Unsure about relationship with Slowly Changing dimensions.

    Martin Schoombee (10/22/2010)

    No, you shouldn't have an extra entry in the fact table...because there isn't another transaction for that amount and your numbers will double when aggregated.

    Martin - thank you...

  • RE: Unsure about relationship with Slowly Changing dimensions.

    PugMaster (7/7/2010)


    Sorry datawarehouse newbie question! I am not sure how to maintain the relationship between Fact and Type 2 Dimension.

    i.e if a new row is inserted into a dimension table...

  • RE: Large Update Not Working

    Jeffrey Williams-493691 (10/3/2010)

    Try removing the begin tran and commit tran - every time you run your update, the same rows are selected because the update hasn't actually committed the changes...

  • RE: Large Update Not Working

    Thank you for your offer of assistance. Below is the code for the two tables. Attached is a sample of the data from the tables.

    In the interest of...

  • RE: DB Uses HUGE Amounts of Unallocated Space

    Markus (8/30/2010)

    Do you have an auto rebuild indexes task running? That would explain it.

    Yes. On Sundays, an SSIS package runs that checks DB integrity, rebuilds the indexes and...

  • RE: Convert seconds to a timestring

    Keep in mind that this only works up to 23:59:59. Anything greater than or equal to 24 hours (86,400 seconds) will not work. I have reports were we...

  • RE: Reference Cell Value Without Explicit Reference

    nigel.c.west (2/17/2009)

    As far as I know there is no method available to create a "standard" conditional format based on a Cell value, because the concept of cell value just doesn't...

  • RE: Call Value from Another Cell

    Jack Corbett (9/8/2008)

    I think you can use the ReportItems Collection. So the expression, using your example below, would be:


    I could remember reading about the ReportItems collection but could not...

  • RE: Reporting Services problem with extract Excel

    David Klug (9/4/2008)

    Have you considered moving to SQL Server 20008 for the Report Server? It is no longer restricted by memory and on initial tests I've run, I've been...

  • RE: Reporting Services problem with extract Excel

    Robert Hake (9/4/2008)

    I am having similar problems where both running reports and exporting reports will cause a prompt to login. Using Task Manager, I checked my servers memory and...

  • RE: Reporting Services problem with extract Excel

    David Klug (6/26/2008)

    This is a known issue with SSRS 2005 and earlier; Reporting Services is memory dependent. On very large reports, you are consuming all available RAM and the...

  • RE: SSIS Where Clause w/ Date Functions

    Mazharuddin Ehsan (8/27/2008)

    Yes you are right. But it is surprising that LAST_UPDATED_DATE is not a Date field.

    I feed data from Oracle into SQL Server. When I started with SQL...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)