Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Creating Functions for Stored Procedures

    the C# link is broken ... however ... I was able to download the VB code

  • RE: Simulating memory pressure

    My reading of the question is that you are trying to see what effect tweaking (or whatever) makes to your problem.

    If this is the case then DROPCLEANCACHE is surely essential...

  • RE: Calculating Age

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[HowManyYears] (@Lo DateTime, @Hi DateTime) RETURNS integer


    RETURN year(@Hi)-year(@Lo)+case when (100*(month(@Hi)-month(@Lo))+day(@Hi)-day(@Lo))<0 then -1 else 0 end


    I offer the above as what is known in the UK as your "Starter...

  • RE: Lookup Table Design

    With apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning ... Let me count the ways

    There are two things here ... a real problem and a suggested solution

    the problem is ... the infinite no...

  • RE: Lookup Table Design

    objective=0|1 (digital) subjective=analog ... you have missed the entire point

  • RE: Lookup Table Design

    The meaning of a code is entirely subjective and has nothing to do with normalization ... it might actually be a picture or several pictures or an mp3/mp4

  • RE: Lookup Table Design

    There is a point of view (well actually mine) which says that you should not have any lookup tables at all.

    The reason being that every description in a lookup table...

  • RE: Hiring A DBA

    Well, I'm afraid I am not at all impressed with this article ... just one more example of the painting by numbers crowd who will never really get it.

    There is...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)