Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 508 total)

  • Reply To: The Future of Certifications

    My view on certificates is pretty negative. They're usually nothing but a money grab by vendors, and even when they aren't certification tests are a lot like high school or...

  • Reply To: Ignoring error and continue

    Steve Collins wrote:

    roger.plowman wrote:

    TRY/CATCH doesn't catch everything. In fact it won't catch most of the things you really want it to so I simply avoid it completely. Nothing worse than an...

  • Reply To: Ignoring error and continue

    TRY/CATCH doesn't catch everything. In fact it won't catch most of the things you really want it to so I simply avoid it completely. Nothing worse than an unreliable language...

  • Reply To: Are You a Gatekeeper?

    The eternal balance between law and chaos.

    Standards are by their nature "gates". For example, would you really want five different voltage standards for household outlets? How about which side of...

  • Reply To: The Order of Operations

    Does ANY other computer language yield .1? Probably not. THIS is a serious bug. No matter what they say this kind of issue could cripple a project and probably not...

  • Reply To: Writing Before Reading

    There's a secret to reading code. 🙂

    Don't try.

    Or rather, do it only once. Code is called code for a reason. Even the best written code is not written for readability...

  • Reply To: Rolling Back One Bug for Another

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor wrote:

    DevOps isn't related to cadance or QA/testing. It is related to learning to become better. Plenty of companies conflated the two and drove speed over quality (many still do)....

  • Reply To: Rolling Back One Bug for Another

    While DevOps is a nice theory, situations like this are why you shouldn't pile on the coal and have an overly ambitious release schedule. Even Microsoft eventually admitted the truth...

  • Reply To: Defending Against Ransomware

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor wrote:

    A firewall is about access from endpoints, which may or may not help here. Inside->traffic often isn't limited, which is a hassle.

    There are protections built in, but many don't...

  • Reply To: Defending Against Ransomware

    Until GitHub gets compromised. Don't laugh, it can (and probably will) happen.

    The only solution that's truly effective is offline archiving, but of course the problem with archiving is the enormous...

  • Reply To: Keeping Unique Aliases

    I prefer single-character-per-word aliases myself. But that brings up the subject of collisions. Some queries have insane joined table counts and when you have [ATM] and [Audit] in the same...

  • Reply To: BYOD Fingerprint Concerns

    For a whole host of reasons fingerprint reader security DOES NOT EXIST. Just forget using fingerprints. Full stop.

    Passwords are the worst possible security mechanism--except for all the rest. 🙂

    2FA is...

  • Reply To: Looking Back

    Sounds like the Japanese industrial process known as Kaizen.


  • Reply To: What's the Cost of an Hour?

    A single hour is negligible. We have a 90 minute response time, but internal operations would suffer very little, employees would simply switch to non-computer tasks (of which there are...

  • Reply To: Don't Lose Data Without a Hacker

    I can't argue we need better security, but I will argue we (as an industry, and even we as humans) do not understand the security domain--period. Thus we can't secure...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 508 total)