Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 481 through 495 (of 508 total)

  • RE: Becoming a Google Earth

    I think you aren't taking the security issue seriously enough. Yes, we put payroll into the cloud, ADP is one example. But ADP has had decades of security experience, and...

  • RE: The Cloud of Destiny

    Data in the cloud? Are you *NUTS*???

    Security is (almost) non-existant. Hosting companies are big fat cows just waiting for hackers to milk them. One lucky break and a dozen company's...

  • RE: Encrypting SQL Code

    I guess I'm peculiar. To my mind stored procs are for *database* logic, not application logic. Therefore I can't see a need to encrypt your sprocs since that's just obfusticating...

  • RE: The T-SQL Paradigm

    I read the T-SQL rant and to me it seemed more a SQL rant than a T-SQL one. A paradigm problem, not a language one. I still shudder when I...

  • RE: Guest Editorial: Do DBAs Need a Code of Ethics?

    rudy komacsar (2/5/2009)

    Not to throw a wet towel on things but if that is the case why do SOX and HIPPA exist ?

    At the risk of being overly cynical they...

  • RE: Guest Editorial: Do DBAs Need a Code of Ethics?

    Andy Warren (2/5/2009)

    I don't think ethics is that easy, and I'd rate myself pretty high on the ethic-meter. Don't lie/dont' steal are fine, but what about gray areas?

    - As mentioned,...

  • RE: Guest Editorial: Do DBAs Need a Code of Ethics?

    Ewan Hampson (2/5/2009)

    Well said, Andy Warren.

    roger.plowman (2/5/2009)

    Everyone knows what ethical behavior is.

    If only.

    Ethics comes from an individual considering their moral position, and can be assisted but not defined by a...

  • RE: Guest Editorial: Do DBAs Need a Code of Ethics?

    A written code of ethics is an admission of failure.

    Everyone knows what ethical behavior is. Having written guidelines are nothing more than a feel good measure to sooth the conscious...

  • RE: Image is Everything

    Well, at work I wear a uniform shirt and jeans. Believe it or not this was suggested by the president of the company, who wanted everyone in a uniform (the...

  • RE: A Dearth of Comments

    Ian Kelly (1/6/2009)

    When you write documentation and only then the code you are not writing it twice - the code should be a translation of the documentation. I have been...

  • RE: A Dearth of Comments

    I created and maintain what amounts to the corporate database backbone system we used for everything from dispatch to accounting to management and data entry.

    It's about 100,000 lines of code...

  • RE: Just Keep Going and Going and Going

    I doubt our company would ever consider outsourcing, simply because of security concerns. However, the point about not upgrading because of application breaking needs to be addressed.

    Best practice is to...

  • RE: The Security of You

    Biometrics have lots of problems. Even assuming the data is read-only secure (by which I mean someone can't substitute their fingerprints for yours, or yours for some known criminal!) you...

  • RE: A Few Good DBAs

    It's funny because it's true... 🙂

    But, alas, it must be said: Shades of Terry Childs...

  • RE: 36 Changes

    If you deploy 36 times in one week it means (assuming your coders are coding and testers are testing 24/7) you're deploying every 4.6 *hours*.

    Even with scripting languages that's...

Viewing 15 posts - 481 through 495 (of 508 total)