Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • Reply To: Refactoring an Entity Attribute Value schema

    The problem starts with the approach of thinking about tables, foreign keys and other technical details - it's too low level. Think about the business use case for those notes....

  • Reply To: Need help resisting falling back to dimensional/snowflake schemas


    You have a problem because you are not choosing the correct method. You are still normalizing in Kimball, which is a fully denormalized cache.

    Just add all the data in SalesOrder...

  • Reply To: Attacks on Unsecured Databases

    I think they were lucky the database got wiped out by MEOW. On the other hand, it's not clear if that was done after someone downloaded it. if UFO VPN...

  • Reply To: Best Practices and Band Plans

    "I have talked to some people that state "our best practices is to never use..." because they tried it when it was first introduced in SQL Server 2005 and it...

  • RE: Schema Security

    I've used schema's since around 1999, when I started using Oracle. The fact that SQL Server didn't use them has always been strange to me and I was pretty happy...

  • RE: Gigging for a Career

    I'm not so sure about whether I work in the gig economy, but I've been a freelancer since mid 2008 (yeah, great timing, but I was fed up after a...

  • RE: Gigging for a Career

    I'm not so sure about whether I work in the gig economy, but I've been a freelancer since mid 2008 (yeah, great timing, but I was fed up after a...

  • RE: A Database Design Test

    The department I left yesterday is hiring new datamodellers so my colleague drafted a small test, where the candidate had to reverse engineer a single table with 5 lines of...

  • RE: Custom Schemas

    In our architecture, we use instances to separate DEV/TEST/QA/PROD, databases to separate logical architecture layers, and schemas as source system namespaces in the staging layer, and as customer namespaces in...

  • RE: Unique Indexes Are Code; Non-Unique Indexes Are Data

    What a great article! I've been pointing a lot of other people to it now that I've found it, because it summarizes my own experience so well.

    Although I have...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)