Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Databases not showing in Enterprise Manager


    Just check the database properties for all the databases using sp_helpdb in QA, Are owner and stutus same for all databases.



  • RE: Which Databases are Being Backed Up - Another Look

    please use this script


    Select,backup_type, Backup_Date from master.dbo.sysdatabases a

    left join

     ( select database_name, Backup_Type = Case type  when 'D' then  'Database'

           When 'I' then  'Database Differential'

           When 'L' then  'Log'

           When 'F' then  'File...

  • RE: Which Databases are Being Backed Up - Another Look



    Regarding CMAX function, this is actualy a typoerror... please read it MAX function.


  • RE: Finding Objects Owned by non-DBO Users

    I didn't include DELETE FROM [ObjList] becuase I want to maintain the history also. If some one don't want to maintain the history, he/she may include the DELETE statement. This is...

  • RE: Finding Objects Owned by non-DBO Users


    Thanks for the suggestion.



  • RE: Which Databases are Being Backed Up - Another Look

    Pete Schott,

    I agree with you. I got a number of emails to include Backup type in this script.

    Below is the revised script to take care of this issue.

    Select,backup_type, Backup_Date...

  • RE: Problem with sql query

    Below script will provide missing records in db2

    SELECT     *

    FROM         db1.dbo.table1  A Left JOIN

                          db2.dbo.table1 B ON A.u_logon_name = B.u_logon_name

    Where B.u_logon_name is null


    Below script will provide missing records in db1

    SELECT     *

    FROM         db2.dbo.table1 ...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)