Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Conditional Column Visibility

    When you click on the Hidden Tab in properties you can choose the expression .There you can give custom expression like iif(parameters!parameter.value=nothing,true,false)

    this gives if no parameter is selected hide column...

  • RE: problem with parameters multivalue

    Use JOIN(Parameters!Parameter.Label," / ") to separatae them by "/" or ","

  • RE: SSRS

    Thanks a lot,it worked

  • RE: SSRS


    I think rhe folder folder security works.Can you please tell me how could I set the parameters based on the folder.


  • RE: MultiValue Parameters in SSRS

    I have given hidden expression as

    IIF(Parameters!PRODUCT.Value(0)="product1",false,true) for first column

    IIF(Parameters!PRODUCT.Value(0)="producr2"",false,true) for second column




    IIF(Parameters!PRODUCT.Value(0)="producrt..n"",false,true) for n th column

    This works well if one parameter is selected.But when I select more than one...

  • RE: MultiValue Parameters in SSRS

    Roger ,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I tried using the expression


    But I got an error index was outside of the bounds of array.

    Any ideas,


  • RE: SSRS

    Thanks for your reply but how do you redirect to the report based on userid.

  • RE: How to redirect a report to another page in Report manager(SSRS 2005)

    Thanks Samuel.It worked .Thanks for your help

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)