Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

  • RE: Being Careful with Schema Ownership

    I once read somewhere that when you're connected as the owner that permissions don't need to be checked when performing operations.  Is this a significant performance gain?

  • RE: Being Careful with Schema Ownership

    Thank you for the post Steve.  What thoughts do you have about having a role own the schema?

  • RE: Friday the 13th

    A fun challenge!  Here's a solution using a recursive cte:

    DECLARE @FirstMonth DATE = GETDATE();
    ;WITH [cte] AS (
    SELECT DATEFROMPARTS(DATEPART(YEAR,@FirstMonth), DATEPART(MONTH,@FirstMonth), 13) AS [d] -- the 13th for...

  • RE: Who Built This Thing?

    Hey Steve, I didn't know you knew Jesus.

    Praise be to our Lord and Savior!

    God bless you brother! 😉

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)