Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 62 total)

  • RE: move files to different file group

    Why you want to move these files to new filegroup..

    What is the size of database.

    Is these 6 files located on different drives.

  • RE: Dead lock issue

    Hi Gail ...this is the wait graph.

    08/03/2010 09:43:13,spid14s,Unknown,waiter id=process291f28e0

    08/03/2010 09:43:13,spid14s,Unknown,waiter-list

    08/03/2010 09:43:13,spid14s,Unknown,owner id=process2885caa8

    08/03/2010 09:43:13,spid14s,Unknown,owner-list

    08/03/2010 09:43:13,spid14s,Unknown,exchangeEvent id=Port5412700 WaitType=e_waitPortOpen nodeId=7

    08/03/2010 09:43:13,spid14s,Unknown,waiter id=process2885caa8 mode=U requestType=wait

    08/03/2010 09:43:13,spid14s,Unknown,waiter-list

    08/03/2010 09:43:13,spid14s,Unknown,owner id=process291cfe40 mode=U

    08/03/2010 09:43:13,spid14s,Unknown,owner-list

    08/03/2010 09:43:13,spid14s,Unknown,pagelock fileid=1 pageid=1918424 dbid=5...

  • RE: SAN Failure

    How can i check the SAN drive failed or not in A/P clustering???

    If you r running daily integrity and consistency checking maintenance plan (DBCC ) you definitely found the allocation...

  • RE: Locks in Objects

    Hi Gail,

    we uses a view of two select queries with no.of joins and these two quies retriving data using UNION all.

    it clousing deadlock

    how i optimize it....i checked indexex are...

  • RE: Performance Tuning


  • RE: Performance Tuning

    Just a doubt... if I use DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS and DBCC FREEPROCCACHE to clean up buffer and plan cache….should It affects on memory uses

  • RE: SQL server service did not started automatically

    yes seems silly question but......

    1. did you update the password on the service account when you changed it in Windows?

    No. I have changed password by Active directory.

    And my question is it...

  • RE: DTS which is not running by Schedule

    Dear all

    can you just suggest how to schedule this SQL server 2000 DTS in SQL server 2008 without using T-sql command like xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /s /u /p '"DTS_NAME"''

  • RE: DTS which is not running by Schedule

    I right click and execute, it's running from server; I didnt tested it in workstation.

    yes,I logged on servr by same login which used to start SQL agent service.

  • RE: DTS which is not running by Schedule

    Error While running by job shedule

    DTSRun: Loading...

    DTSRun: Executing...

    DTSRun OnStart: DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1

    DTSRun OnFinish: DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1

    DTSRun OnStart: DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1

    DTSRun OnError: DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1, Error = -2147467259...

  • RE: DTS which is not running by Schedule

    this DTS is created by SQL server 2000 but but after migration on databases on 2008 this DTS is also moved but not migrated in SSIS by using SQL 2000...

  • RE: commit transcation

    Thanks .....

  • RE: Collation Changes

    because of different collation What type of issues you r facing did you found any Error Releted it.

  • RE: index on col where inseration is heavy

    Ok i will check impact on dev server then go for PRD.


  • RE: Update statics needed or not after migration


Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 62 total)