Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 153 total)

  • RE: help with dynamic SQL syntax

    Thanks All: I found a typographical error and resolved the issue. Meanwhile I really appreciate the link to the "Catch All query" debate. Very helpful!

  • RE: help with dynamic SQL syntax

    Additional comment:

    Another approach would be to build the entire SQL statement in the frontend and skip the dynamic SQL on the backend. Which is preferred or industry standard?

  • RE: Insert statement results

    greatly appreciate the help. I ended up using a cursor and generating my list fine now.



  • RE: parse string

    figured it out! This works great:

    ISDATE(REPLACE(SUBSTRING([column],PATINDEX('%[0-9][0-9]%',@x),10),' ','/')) =1

  • RE: parse string

    REALLY appreciate the help!! Almost there.

    Here is my statement so far:

    SELECT d.ImageDetailID, d.ImageLink,


    ISDATE(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(d.imageLink,PATINDEX('%[0-9][0-9]%',d.ImageLink),10),' ','/'))


    CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(d.ImageLink,PATINDEX('%[0-9][0-9]%',d.ImageLink),10),' ','/') as datetime) END

    AS adate

    FROM dbo.ImageDetail d

    WHERE d.DateImage IS NULL

    When I try to run get...

  • RE: Test database

    Thanks, This helps.

    I also copied the log so that is likely the problem.


  • RE: multiple output values

    then how to call values? That's where I seem to be stuck.

    exec spOutTest ...

  • RE: Sort order change

    Thanks so much! This solved my problem so I thought I'd post it:


    CASE WHEN @SortVar='name' AND @order = 'ASC' THEN s.LastName+s.FirstName END ASC,

    CASE WHEN @SortVar='name' AND @order...

  • RE: IF NOT EXISTS syntax


    I assumed the code should encapsulate the updates as well, right? :








  • RE: IF NOT EXISTS syntax

    Big thanks! Thanks for the additional error trapping as well.


  • RE: Upgrade from sql 2000

    yes, did that and it made a big difference but didn't completely solve the issue. Now looking at server resources such as more memory, etc.

  • RE: Upgrade from sql 2000

    I have side by side instances running and it's killing us right now.

  • RE: Upgrade from sql 2000

    thanks, checking the stats and memory.

  • RE: frontend application

    These are not connected offices. We schedule procedures and tests with radiology or other sites that have their own systems in no way related to ours.

    But I will check out...

  • RE: frontend application

    I would guess more along the lines of a screen scraper. I have a medical application and the same data may be requested from numerous sources. Let's say it's a...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 153 total)