Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 153 total)

  • RE: Stored procedure to capture identity column

    Yep, I thought I was looking for an output SP. I made the change but can you help on the FE VBA? Here is the function that calls this SP:


  • RE: Column standardization

    Antares, thanks so much. I am tracing every lead I can find because as you probably are aware, the medical field lags every other business segment by at least 10...

  • RE: Stored procedure to capture identity column

    Here is my current SP:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.procPhoneInsert


    INSERT INTO phone (EmpUpdated) VALUES ('9')



    Which works. It returns the NewPhoneID to the FE app (Access 2002).

    The line...

  • RE: Stored procedure to capture identity column

    Thanks. I think I've got it!


  • RE: Reserved words

    Thanks for the comments. How about just avoiding the term as a column name? Isn't that preferable just to prevent future issues?


  • RE: Best way to convert access database to Sql 2000

    That is a hotly debated topic and no definite consensus. I would refer you to Mary Chipman's discussion in her book on Access, SQL Server interactions. I don't have the...

  • RE: DB structure question

    In this DB, almost all PKs are unique identity columns which you are right, tell you nothing about the data in that row. It doesn't matter if there is strict...

  • RE: Newbie SQL view question

    Perhaps there could be a category for "those who have lost their minds completely" trying to do 5 jobs at once while picking up a "little" knowledge of SQL technology.


  • RE: Newbie SQL view question


    I think I am getting there. Meaning just about to the point where I could write a stored procedure. Life is so much easier when you know what you're doing.


  • RE: DB Table structure

    I guess it's hard to argue about that! <g> What if I LIKE duplicate data? (just kidding)

    Anyway, thanks for the encouragement to be compulsive.


  • RE: DB Table structure

    Yes, thank you, that answers the question. I understand the concept but the real question is: why are you guys (DBAs) so compulsive about this? <g> It causes extra work to...

  • RE: SQL smalldatetime and MS Access default

    I have a MS Access 2002 frontend linked to a SQL server 2k backend. Data entry is done from form in Access.




  • RE: defining table relationships

    Yes. I checked and the constraint is not there. I get the error everytime I try to create it.

    I am using identity columns as primary keys. Could that be involved?


  • RE: defining table relationships

    I have checked for orphan records in the child table (ApptProcDetail) and there are none. Also, a month ago the relationship was intact. I just happened to be checking a...

  • RE: A Grain of Salt

    Interesting comments. I must say we face the same issues in the medical profession. That's why you have to be alert and read the fine print on any of our...

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 153 total)