Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Row_Number doubt

    Thank you guys...

    This time I pressurized the client to consider adding unique keys to the tables those don't have one already. And I think they are considering, because they...

  • RE: Row_Number doubt

    Yes I know, but my problem is... we have a whole DB's tables to be migrated and client is reluctant to creating extra identity columns for DB size issues when...

  • RE: rowid in SQL server?

    I think, that won't work... As I already said that the table_ name comes from a user input. I am do not know which table it is going to ask...

  • RE: How to avoid NOT IN?


    I tried everything, but nothing is faster or slower... everything is taking equal ms.. some times...

  • RE: How to avoid NOT IN?

    What I checked from the execution plan in the DEV environment is that, it is taking a clustered index scan for the NOT IN operation. whose cost is 27%. There...

  • RE: Index is not used while selecting

    Thank you Grant for the prompt response.



  • RE: Index is not used while selecting

    This column has some 350 distinct values among 7000 rows in total. Is it a good candidate for creating a index on it? It also has around 3000 NULL values....

  • RE: Incremental Back up

    Thanks Gail...



  • RE: Index is not used while selecting

    Hi everybody,

    Thanks for your replies. I will make the scenario little bit clear now....

  • RE: Composite Index or individual indices?

    Thank you Sir!

    As you said, that's an old tradeoff :). I will have to monitor the index size...

  • RE: Composite Index or individual indices?

    Thanks a lot guys for your responses!

    I tested every option, the third one only gives an index seek for every required search condition. the second one gave me either index...

  • RE: Query on Multiple Tables. JOIN help needed

    Try this...

    select ILE.[Item No]

    Item.[Item Name]

    ILE.[Customer No]

    Customer.[Customer Name]

    ILE.[Location Code]

    Location.[Location Name]

    ILE.[Country Code]

    Country.[Country Name]

    ILE.[State Code]

    State.[State Name]

    Dimension.[dimCategory Code]

    Dim Category.[dimCategory Name]

    from ILE

    left outer join Items on (ILE.[Item No] = Items.[Item No])

    left outer join...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)