Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 96 total)

  • RE: Thanks for the Memories, Tom

    I am so sorry for your loss. You wrote such a nice tribute to Tom. This is such a caring community that I am grateful to be a part of.

  • RE: Reporting Services "My Subscriptions" link give error

    Thank you Sue for the insight.  I understand that data mods for Reporting Services are not recommended, but we needed to disable users for compliance reasons.  I had created a...

  • RE: Expression to show or hide

    You have to put an expression on the text box.  Go to Text Box properties, Visiblity, click on the fx button to the right of Show or hide based on...

  • RE: Date showing instead of blank result

    cmw 66135 - Wednesday, December 13, 2017 6:03 AM

    Not sure how to do what you suggested, But I did download the returned...

  • RE: Data Driven Subscription Error & Failures URGENT Help needed.

    I have a feeling that it doesn't like the subquery.  Maybe this would work?


  • RE: Solving an SSIS Error – Cannot convert between Unicode and non-Unicode

    Thanks for the article! It is good info to see the capability of SSIS. It is ok not to have specific info. I understand the point now...

  • RE: Solving an SSIS Error – Cannot convert between Unicode and non-Unicode

    I have a question about this. We have fields with the data type of NVARCHAR because there are special characters in them.

    If you are converting them to...

  • RE: What Helps You Learn?

    I read that on average, it takes adults 32 times of doing anything to make it a habit!!

    I need a combination of things to learn best, but I remember most...

  • RE: Still struggling with a filter

    I would try this one:

    IIF((Parameters!GP.Value = "A480" or Parameters!GP.Value = "A485") and (Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 170 or Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 171 or Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 200 or Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 380), 1,

    IIF((Parameters!GP.Value <>...

  • RE: Determine Report Type

    Reports created with report builder have a model as a data source. The query I posted lists all the models and their associated reports.

    You can use that...

  • RE: Determine Report Type

    the report Server database in the Catalog table has a Type field.

    Here is what that means:

    1 = folder

    2 = report (both rdl and report builder)

    3 = file (Word, Excel, PDF,...

  • RE: Counting multiple values from a lookup

    Sorry, I missed the requirement to be distinct.

    Are you able to use the CountDistinct function?

    Here is the syntax: CountDistinct(expression, scope, recursive) --Recursive parameter is optional

    I think this is how the...

  • RE: Drillthrough Report with count

    Do you have grouping? If you put an expression in the group footer, and set the visibility for that row the same as the row that expands, it should show...

  • RE: Counting multiple values from a lookup

    david5515 (9/23/2015)

    Hi all,

    I am currently trying to puzzle out how to count all of the distinct instances of yes and no from a lookup I have done.

    The lookup is =IIF(Lookup(Fields!Supplier_Code.Value,Fields!Supplier_Code.Value,Fields!First_Name.Value,"DataSet2")="","No","Yes")


  • RE: Would You Pay To Wear Jeans?

    patrickmcginnis59 10839 (7/17/2015)

    There was this one company that had hawaiian shirt days. Ultimately though the company headquarters burnt to the ground.

    If they move my desk one more time, I am...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 96 total)