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  • RE: Recursive function - sql2008

    I found the solution and it is working fine. Still to undergo testing. But I think, it is works as expected.

  • RE: Recursive function - sql2008


    Did you understand the calculation.

    Does anyone has any approch for this calculation?

  • RE: Recursive function - sql2008

    Yes, calcuation has changed from the first post. I did not understand lmm_value means. Yes the values are from MS-Project.

    The value of Task 1 is obtained from its children -...

  • RE: Recursive function - sql2008

    Thanks a lot for coming forward to help. I really appreciate that. Here are the insert statements. And the values I pass to procedure is (21,20,5). Please let me know,...

  • RE: Recursive function - sql2008

    Now, I am thinking, the correct way is to pass the paramenters for Heighest id_father and its corresponding Id_task and level_task.

  • RE: Recursive function - sql2008

    Sorry, I accidently posted without comments.

    the last value in the each row is the intermediate result. In the procedure I will pass the parameters as Heighest level and its id_father...

  • RE: Recursive function - sql2008

    id_task id_fathertask level_task duracion_task percent_task name_task

    1 1 1 76 NULL Task 1 25

    2 1 2 60 NULL Task 1.1 38

    3 2 3 2 100 Task 1.1.1 100

    4 2 3 38 NULL Task 1.1.2 44

    5 4 4 10 100 Task 100

    6 4 4 22 20 Task 20

    7 4 4 5 35 Task 35

    8 4 4 1 40 Task 40

    9 2 3 20 NULL Task 1.1.3 20

    10 9 4 20 20 Task 20

    11 1 2 9 NULL Task 1.2 39

    12 11 3 2 0 Task 1.2.1 0

    13 11 3 7 NULL Task 1.2.2 50

    14 13 4 2 50 Task 50

    15 13 4 5 50 Task 50

    16 1 2 10 0 Task 1.3 0

    17 1 2 20 0 Task 1.4 0

    18 1 2 6 NULL Task 1.5 10

    19 18 3 6 NULL Task 1.5.1 10

    20 19 4 6 NULL Task 10

    21 20 5 6 10 Task 10

  • RE: Recursive function - sql2008

    Final result should be 25 or 25.37 to be precise. This the sample table data. Task is calulate the value of root of the tree that is Task1(First row) by...

  • RE: Recursive function - sql2008

    Table looks like below. For Ex. row 3, Id_task = 3, level_task=3 menas it is at level 3, id_fathertask = 2 that means, its parent is the one which has...

  • RE: Recursive function - sql2008

    Thank you so much for your response. I am sorry for changing the code.

    I cannot combine two update statements, since I need the first update value to calculate the next...

  • RE: Recursive function - sql2008

    Thanks a lot. However, the requirement got changed and had to modify the procedure. This is the proc

    alter Procedure GetCalculationForTestData


    @taskId int,

    @fatherId int,

    @taskLevel int


    as begin

    Create table #TestFinal


    id_task int primary...

  • RE: Recursive function - sql2008

    Thanks, I am going through your link.

    But we can pass the parameter for the function.

  • RE: Recursive function - sql2008

    Thanks for your response.

    Well, I am trying to have a recursive function for the below calculation

    Calculation starts fromt the last task

    (level_task*duaration_task) + percent_task (5*6)+10 = 40

    the result goes to...

  • RE: Data in tthe same order in which it is inserted


    Thanks alot for the suggestions.

    The table already had identity column, SSIS inserts the data to this table every week. but it was not following the sequence which i...

  • RE: Data in tthe same order in which it is inserted

    Hi Lynn Pettis,

    I guess the data is inserting in differnt order due to page split. Do we have any options there, I dont know much of page split.



Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)