Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)


    The answer to grant blanco rights to Network Service may still help people, but it is still wrong. On production servers, this is definitely NOT best practice. You should start...

  • RE: CHOOSE - 1

    This one clearly proved that roughly half the people here do not try to solve the "riddles" using their brain. Without fetching that silly demo, the only correct answer would...

  • RE: Type conversions and Nulls

    Wow, my first really wrong answer. I knew about CASE's type inferral, just forgot. Thanks for the exceptionally good question.

  • RE: Updating Views

    Really good one! Didn't know about the SP but got it right through exclusion- of course, the only really correct answer wasn't offered.

    (drop this badly designed view and fire any...

  • RE: Thesaurus Files

    Who would miss the words "Commented out" right there in the file and still be able to execute a stored procedure? Who would even use an editor where the block...

  • RE: The Lonely and Neglected Cartesian Product (Cross Join)

    Archie is correct - the question and its explanation is incorrect. The QotD feature should teach, and teaching to neglect relational principles and rely on implementation details is questionable. Yes,...


    I am proud of my "wrong" answer - I answered correctly despite cleary seeing the question was missing an assumption. Who in their right minds would work on an instance...

  • RE: Update with CASE statement

    I, too caught on the (success OR failure), the collation-dependent field name, and the missed shorthand opportunity CASE Gender WHEN...

  • RE: Creating Tables

    Just do this in a binary collation and the "in one batch" issue no longer matters.

  • RE: Update statement question

    Interesting discussion. What I don't get is - what's so special about looking like a hillbilly? Surely a hillbilly performs the task of looking like everyone else, namely using her/his...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)