Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 106 total)

  • RE: Should DBAs attend Development Meetings

    Always invite the DBA!

    I can't count the number of times I had to rescue an application/datbase that was developed without the DBA's involvement.

    On every project I...

  • RE: Query a Sql Server LOG (LDF) File


    We use a product from Lumigent called Log Explorer that is awesome. Also I believe Lockwood Technologies has a program similar to Log Exploer but I have not used...

  • RE: Book on building a datawarehouse?

    The best books I have read are by Ralph Kimball. "The Datawarehouse Toolkit" and "The Datawarehouse Lifecycle Tookit". (both are published by Wiley)

    I was fortunate enough to be...

  • RE: Server Farm

    Just to let you know what we are using in our Web Farm/DMZ.

    We have 12 IIS 5.0 servers that are load balanced and two SQL Servers. Depending...

  • RE: Transaction Log writes...

    Thanks for you thoughts.

    From what I can determing here is what Oracle calls this featue--Multiplexing: "Oracle provides the capability to multiplex an instance's online redo log files to safeguard...

  • RE: SELECT Unicode

    Yes, it is the font that used for display in Query Analyzer. To change it do the following:

    In Query analyzer choose Tools, Options and select the Font tab. ...

  • RE: SQL Mail

    We use this on our production environment to alert me by email and by text messaging and pager. I don't feel there is much of a security risk with...

  • RE: Operating system error 64(The specified network na

    We had similar issues when we would backup large database (usually over 750MB) over our network. What we found was that it was a combination of the Network Performance...

  • RE: Way to get rid off old backups in a DB Maint. plan

    I have noticed from past experience that if the job fails for some reason, it will not delete the old files. For example, I have a very large database...

  • RE: Clustering and Disaster Recovery

    Sorry, I also forgot to mention that the latest version of DT had a known issue with W2K and Norton Antivirus and SQL Server 2K that cause the server to...

  • RE: Clustering and Disaster Recovery

    Yeah, we have and I hate it and am looking for something new. We have had issues with it not failing over. Sometimes it fails over correctly--other times...

  • RE: Log analysis tool

    We have purchased Lumigents Log Explorer and have only had to use it once but it more than paid for itself. It was able to tell us what exactly...

  • RE: Debugger not pausing on breakpoint

    The second article fixed it for me. I ran SP3 on my local machine that only has the client tools and it works now.



  • RE: Debugger not pausing on breakpoint

    I've done some experimenting and noticed that the debugger correctly works if you are on the local machine and debug a sp. However, if you try and debug it...

  • RE: Is T-SQL enough to be a valuable Yukon DBA?

    Interesting topic. Here's my two cents worth. I have been programming in VB.Net for a few months now and have started to play with C# (and I like...

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 106 total)