Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

  • RE: Same query on SQL 2005 take 10mins?ANY SQL EXPERTS?

    Well.... i found the problem..somewhat. I created indexes on the tables in SQL2005 and cut processing from 10+ minutes to 17 secs. However there where no indexes on the...

  • RE: Same query on SQL 2005 take 10mins?ANY SQL EXPERTS?

    Do you mean "reindex" ? then yes.

  • RE: Reading System Variables in the Script Task

    Sorry... I didn't mean to actually post my previous message (which deleted) Just fustrated. I have been having nothing but problems trying to make basic tasks work in SSIS....

  • RE: SQL to do a upsert or update/insert

    Thank you all again for your responses....

    Jeff -The production table will have an estimated 30,000 rows to start and will grow over time as records are added. We will...

  • RE: SQL to do a upsert or update/insert

    Thank for eveyones input... Sorry for the delayed response... I have been down and out with the flu for that past few days.

    The data table are fairly straight forward...

  • RE: Restart SQL Agent Task(s) on reboot of server.

    Thanks Jack...

    I now see that I can auto start in the "Scheduling" of a task when the SQL Server Agent Starts.

  • RE: Passing variable value from Script Component(data flow) to script task(control flow)

    The solution was to assign the variable in the PostExcute as follows:

    Public Overrides Sub PostExecute()

    Me.Variables.ErrorFound = True


  • RE: SSIS Package SQL Agent Scheduling Fails.

    Here was what I have found as a soluton to the problem I described above:

    The first problem was I need to manually edit the XML Configuration file (MyConfig.dtsConfig)to include the...

  • RE: "Real timing" data from legacy system into SQL 2000


    Thank you very much for your replies. This is exactly what I was looking to accomplish.

    Thanks again for your efforts.


  • RE: "Real timing" data from legacy system into SQL 2000

    Thanks Norman. I have built the SQL 2005 and tested the FileWatcher process and it all works. As I mentioned before, I want to load the data once a...

  • RE: "Real timing" data from legacy system into SQL 2000

    From what I have read, File Watcher is for SQL 2005 and NOT SQL 2000.

  • RE: One Results Set with multi-date ranges


    Thank you very much for you attention to my issue. The has helped me in more ways then one.



  • RE: One Results Set with multi-date ranges

    this should be better:

    Sample data:

    ID     DATE             SALES  VENDOR   ITEM

     1       1/1/2005      12005      ca      31

     2       2/2/2005      22005      ca      32

     3       3/3/2005      32005      ca      33

     4       4/4/2005      42005      ca      54

     5       1/1/2006      12006      ca      43

     6       2/2/2006      22006      ca      67

     7       3/3/2006      32006      ca      895

     8       4/4/2006      42006      ca      58

     9       1/1/2007      12007      ca      45

     10      2/2/2007      22007      ca      956

     11      3/3/2007      32007      ca      345

     12      4/4/2007      42007      ca      4

     13      5/5/2005      52005      ca      4567

     14      6/6/2005      62005      ri      ADAS

     15      7/7/2005      72005      ri      3add

     16      8/8/2005      82005      ri      4asd

     17      9/9/2005      92005      ri      wer

     18      10/10/2005   102005      ri      234

     19      5/5/2006      52006      ri      as44

     20      6/6/2006      62006      ri      456

     21      7/7/2006      72006      ri      jhd6

     22      8/8/2006      82006      ri      4564

     23      9/9/2006      92006      ri      fd32

     24      10/10/2006   102006      ri      2345s

     25      5/5/2007      52007      ri      45623

     26      6/6/2007      62007      ri      89

     27      7/7/2007      72007      ri      567

     28      8/8/2007      82007      ri      678

     29      9/9/2007      92007      ri      xsdf

     30      10/10/2007   102007      ri      5es

     31      1/1/2005      12005      nc      223

     32      2/2/2005      22005      nc      234

     33      1/1/2006      12006      nc      422

     34      2/2/2006      22006      nc      333

  • RE: One Results Set with multi-date ranges

    I will provide as much info as possible.  This is sample I created for this request to test.


     [id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [entered_date] [datetime] NULL ,

     [sales] [int]...

  • RE: How to get Real Time updates from ERP

    The applicaiton will bascially mirror the ERP system, since an ODBC connection directly to ERP is no an option at this point.

    So, as records are added/deleted/update in the ERP...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)