Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

  • RE: Add Full text component

    This does indeed require a restart. Schedule maintenance time.

  • RE: Add Full text component

    Thanks for the reply Steve. I'm spinning up a test instance now and will report back my findings.

  • RE: Script Needed to pull the data


    Select IsNull(t1.ServerName,t2.ServerName) as ServerName,

    IsNull(t1.ApplicationName,t2.ApplicationName) as ApplicationName,


    When t1.ApplicationName is null then 'Table2'

    When t2.ApplicationName is null then 'Table1'

    Else 'Combine'

    End AppServer

    From Table1 t1

    Full Outer Join Table2 t2 on

    (t1.ServerName = t2.ServerName)...

  • RE: Validate rows in 2 tables and write log

    I haven't tested this since there was no test data supplied, but I think this should work.

    Insert into MergeTable (Project number, IsProjNumConverted)

    Select Coalesce(x.proj_id,i.proj_id) as projID,


  • RE: how to delete all except results of select statement

    This should work, but you might want to run this against a copy of your table first to ensure that the results are what you are looking for.

    select ptid, pat_ext_id,...

  • RE: rmove leading zeros

    You can also just do it inline like this:

    Declare @LeadingZeros Table


    sValue varchar(100)


    Insert into @LeadingZeros

    SELECT '000123'


    SELECT '00123'


    SELECT '0123'


    SELECT '123'


    SELECT '01020z'


    SELECT '0s.123'


  • RE: rmove leading zeros

    If it's something you are going to use quite a bit, you might want to create a function.

    Create FUNCTION [dbo].[DropLeadingZeros](

    @iString VARCHAR(100)




    DECLARE @oString varchar(100)


  • RE: Red Gate Software announces DBA in Space competition winner

    Does anyone know how much a trip to space costs? Seems like it would be a lot more than $100,000.

  • RE: Perform Access 2007 queries on SQL server

    I tried to import the query from the "fast" db to the "slow" one, but got the same results. I was inspired by Ninja's suggestion and ultimately I made...

  • RE: Perform Access 2007 queries on SQL server

    Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately not everything is the same between the two files so I can't simply copy it over.

  • RE: How best to do concurrent, near real-time table updates


    We use Databridge here as well to populate a SQL database from our Unisys Mainframe.

    Is the field that the mainframe guys want to delete a calculated field? If...

  • RE: Search anything anywhere

    This is a good script. I had a use for something similar some time ago and created the sproc below with some additional parameters to limit searches.

    Create Procedure...

  • RE: Loading Data With Powershell

    I have found that TAB separated files seem to cause the least number of problems. Unfortunately TABs aren't always possible, if you have to work with a file...

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)