Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 31 total)

  • RE: Selection question

    Worked perfectly.  I knew it was simple, just was out of my grasp for the time being.  Thanks GREATLY Remi!

  • RE: Trigger Question

    It's not required to be in real time, but then this would bring me to another question of how would I send out multiple phone numbers to have them compared?


  • RE: Concatenation Problem

    What I'm trying to do is update a field in a database to display a concatenated string to my agents for a sales type campaign that we are doing.

    The information...

  • RE: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] timeout expired (#0).

    I ran into this type of scenario before.

    Are you using the same access database (shared on a server) and being used by multiple people?

    It's what I was doing and I...

  • RE: Delete Query based on 2 tables-DEADLINE Looming

    I have read a few different ideas on whether to use subqueries such as what are displayed here for deleting (or updating) between two tables.

    In your experiences what is normally...

  • RE: SQL Server and ODBC

    They are receiving the error of basically "ODBC call failed"

    And when I say refreh the links, I mean exactly that.  Go into linked table manager / highlight the tables and...

  • RE: error creating file mapping view : not enough storage is available to process this command

    The raw table has 274 columns that I'm importing from, and all 274 columns in my database are char fields of varying lengths just so I can avoid such a...

  • RE: Batching and index question

    No, they are just basic tables (no FK's,etc in them).

    I had debated on trying to see if an indexed view would have halped speed things along, but am still stumped...

  • RE: Batching or index problem

    Phone is the PK for both tables.

    Roughly 22 Mil rows in Q22004 and ~40 Mil rows in Q12004.

    The where clause was left out in the query instead of the and...

  • RE: Batching and index question

    Hah, sorry for the typo's I was in a bit of a hurry.

    What I get is quarterly data that we call off of.  Each time I send a bunch of...

  • RE: Slow Performance issue

    That 5 GB was free DB space, I didn't report on the log file.

    But I did "find" the root of my problem I believe, and it's fairly humorous.

    This SQL box...

  • RE: Slow Performance issue

    No indexes of any sort.  No constraints,etc.  Flat file import into a basic temporary holding table.  All data manipulation is going to be done once the import is done.

    Log file...

  • RE: UPDATE Query Question

    Initial update time was 21 hours.  On a screaming machine which is why I was under the belief that I really didn't have something right.  (p4 2.8E/2 GB RAM/1 TB...

  • RE: UPDATE Query Question

    Almost no difference at all that I could see.

    I'm trying to run it using the code that SQLBill has written and it doesn't seem to be exceptionally different than what...

  • RE: 70+ columns in a single table.

    So my 284 column table shouldn't be so bad??

    Nothing like inheriting that and then having the owner tell me how it should be able to respond to almost any query...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 31 total)