Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: MS SQl Job Agent

    I got a solution through msdn forums. For those who are interested.

    search query with results into #matches

    open a CURSOR on the #matches table

    FETCH ...............



    Code SnippetEXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail@recipients=N'',@body='Message...


    I am working on a Job Portal

    This is the scenario.

    I have word Document Saved (resume of the Candidate) in one Table and another Title (Resume Header) column thats saved in...

  • RE: PatIndex on varbinary Column

    I found a solution through another form member. for those who have the same issue please go thru the following link

  • RE: Table Views and Performance

    samples of query given below


    Select a.intJobPostingID, b.strCompanyName,a.strJobTitle,a.strJobDesc,

    c.strCity,dbo.fnState(c.intState,c.intCountry) as 'intState',

    Convert(varchar,a.dtAuditDate,101) as 'dtAuditDate',

    Convert(varchar,A.dtExpDate,101) as 'dtExpDate'

    from tblJobPosting a

    left join tblCompany b on a.intCompanyID = b.intCompanyID

    left Join tblJobPostingCon c on a.intJobPostingID = c.intJobPostingID

    where a.boolActive...

  • RE: SQL2005 SSMS script DROP before CREATE

    Script Tree is missing in my setup

  • RE: SQL2005 SSMS script DROP before CREATE

    Script Drop is missing in my Generate Script wizard. Can anyone tell me how to include this option in my wizard

  • RE: SQL2005 SSMS script DROP before CREATE

    The details given above are from Management STudio ----->Help---About. I do get the version mentioned by you next to my SQL instance in Management studio. What should I do to...

  • RE: SQL2005 SSMS script DROP before CREATE

    I have SQL Server 2005 SP2 installed partially. Few features didn't install.

    I donot get Create drop statements before Create statements scripts in Generate Script Wizard

    Details of my SQL are...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)