Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Unable to Register SQL Server


    1. You should see Microsoft SQL SERVER 7.0 in Start-Programs

    2. VERSION 7 in registry

    3. open EM, click Microsoft SQL Server, right click in the right part of the window, open...

  • RE: Unable to Register SQL Server


    try to check client tools of your users. Only EM from sql 2000 client tools can register named instance od SQL server.

  • RE: What can the role db_ddladmin do?


    try stored ptocedure sp_dbfixedrolepermission


  • RE: Timeout on SP across Linked Servers


    try to exec simple query from Server A to Server B and reverse

    (on ServerB: select * from ServerA.master.dbo.sysobjects,

    on ServerA: select * from ServerB.master.dbo.sysobjects)

    So you can check where is problem...

  • RE: Profiler security


    yes, it's true. When you execute SQL profiler, you execute sql profiler procedures. Only sysadmin can execute profiler procedures (sp_trace_setstatus...).

  • RE: Table structure duplication


    you can create a table with the same structure, initialized empty from existing one with

    select * into TAB2 from TAB1 where 1=2  

    but identity column will be also created

  • RE: Cast problem

    There is 0 in your result set.  And that is problem. You cannot use 0 in your query cast(cast({A} as varchar) as datetime)

    try: select cast(cast(0 as varchar) as datetime)

    and you'll get error.




  • RE: Linked Server Perfomance Issue


    try to set "Use Remote Collation" property of your linked server.




  • RE: Cast problem


    i think you have problem with your data. Try query

    select [service date] from [errormode detailed]

    and check int value from [service date]. I hope you'll find int value which isn't in right format.


  • RE: General network error wit job

    Job is running locally.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)