Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Calculating Stock Returns Using the ROW_NUMBER function and CTEs

    Forgive me if this sounded like a request. I was trying to point out that you're only calculating an arithmetic weekly return, which is not what's typically used in monitoring...

  • RE: Calculating Stock Returns Using the ROW_NUMBER function and CTEs

    There are two different ways to calculate weekly returns. The methodology you're using implies holding for an entire week (using weekly prices). A more complicated methodology would compound daily, I'd...

  • RE: Random problems

    Unlike your other readers, I tried to find the ugliest solution.

    Here it is:



    RandNumber = cast(rand(cast(right(replace(convert(varchar(24), dateadd(minute, Row_Number() OVER (Order by InvoiceID) , getdate()), 113), ':', ''), 9) as int))...

  • RE: Faking Multidimensional Arrays in T-SQL made easy!

    There is nothing interesting presented in this article. Database tables are there to provide functionality that goes way beyond a simple array (even a multi-dimensional one). Obviously, you can simulate...

  • RE: Error Handling in Nested Procedures and Logging Custom Errors

    I noticed that the author uses this statement to grab the newly inserted identity:


    I think he meant to specify the table 'ERROR_LOG', not 'HIST_ERROR_LOG'.

    Also, IDENT_CURRENT will...

  • RE: Export to Excel - removing linked report hyperlinks

    You should be able to pass the parameter RemoveHyperlinks=True to the report viewer before it displays the report...

    Unfortunately, if you've shown the report with hyperlinks (if the parameter is missing...

  • RE: File Handling A Different Way

    Yes, the use of CLR requires that you're on SQL 2005... Given that we're mid-way through the year 2008 and SQL 2008 is now available, I don't think it's unreanosable...

  • RE: File Handling A Different Way

    With SQL CLR you can build something more elegant if you truly wanted to be able to write files through your data engine. However, I think this type of activity...

  • RE: Export to Excel - removing linked report hyperlinks

    Nevermind, found the syntax...

    In the expression where you put your report name you would do something like:

    =iif(Parameters!RemoveHyperlinks.Value, Nothing, "ReportName") instead of just ReportName

    Assuming you had a parameter called RemoveHyperLinks

  • RE: Export to Excel - removing linked report hyperlinks

    Can you post the expression you're using to conditionally turn off hyperlinks? Do you have to modify each Navigation node one at a time or can it be done on...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)