Technical Article

Agent Job Schedule Description


Of all the Agent Job Schedule Description scripts out there, this is another one. This sprang from a request for a report of all Agent Jobs and their schedules. I had a strong desire to make the descriptions grammatically correct, and found several scripts that were close, but not completely what I was looking for.

I would like to acknowledge the contributions of two particular scripters upon which this script is founded upon. Ken Simmons, who revealed the existence of the sp_get_schedule_description procedure and exposed the code within, and Michelle Ufford, who had the idea of using the code as a CTE query for the overall job list query, and provided the basic structure of that query.

For my part, I finished out the query with all schedule types available in SQL Server 2012, added some grammatical changes that I thought were important, and added another CTE with job history information.

Please enjoy!

/* ** Agent Job List ******************************************************** **
** Description: Create a list of agent jobs and their schedules.
** Author: Michael McCormick
** Acknowledgments:
**   Ken Simmons - for revealing the existence of the sp_get_schedule_description
**     procedure and revealing the underlying code.
**   Michelle Ufford - for the idea of using the code as a CTE for the job query
**     and providing the basic structure for the CTE query.
** ************************************************************************** */
USE [msdb]


Declare @idle_cpu_percent int;
Declare @idle_cpu_duration int;

Exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\SQLServerAgent', N'IdleCPUPercent', @idle_cpu_percent OUTPUT, N'no_output';
Exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\SQLServerAgent', N'IdleCPUDuration', @idle_cpu_duration OUTPUT, N'no_output';

With schedules
As (
Select j.job_id 
     , As [schedule_name]
     , CASE ss.freq_type
            WHEN 0x01 THEN N'Once on ' + FORMAT(dbo.agent_datetime(ss.active_start_date, ss.active_start_time),'MMM dd yyyy hh:mm:ss.')
            WHEN 0x04 THEN CASE ss.freq_interval WHEN 1 THEN N'Every day'
                                                        ELSE N'Every ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,ss.freq_interval) + N' days' END
                         + IIF(ss.freq_subday_type IN (0x02,0x04,0x08),N', ',N' ')
            WHEN 0x08 THEN CASE ss.freq_recurrence_factor WHEN 1 THEN N'Every week on'
                                                                 ELSE N'Every ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,ss.freq_recurrence_factor) + N' weeks on ' END
                         + STUFF( IIF(ss.freq_interval & 0x01 = 0x01, N', Sunday'    ,'') 
                                + IIF(ss.freq_interval & 0x02 = 0x02, N', Monday'    ,'')
                                + IIF(ss.freq_interval & 0x04 = 0x04, N', Tuesday'   ,'')
                                + IIF(ss.freq_interval & 0x08 = 0x08, N', Wednesday' ,'')
                                + IIF(ss.freq_interval & 0x10 = 0x10, N', Thursday'  ,'')
                                + IIF(ss.freq_interval & 0x20 = 0x20, N', Friday'    ,'') 
                                + IIF(ss.freq_interval & 0x40 = 0x40, N', Saturday'  ,''), 1, 1, '') + ' '
            WHEN 0x10 THEN IIF(ss.freq_recurrence_factor = 1, N'Every month on day ', N'Every ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,ss.freq_recurrence_factor) + N' months on day ')
                         + CONVERT(nvarchar,ss.freq_interval) + N' of that month '
            WHEN 0x20 THEN IIF(ss.freq_recurrence_factor = 1, N'Every month on the ', N'Every ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,ss.freq_recurrence_factor) + N' months on the ')
                         + CASE ss.freq_relative_interval WHEN 0x01 THEN N'first '
                                                          WHEN 0x02 THEN N'second '
                                                          WHEN 0x04 THEN N'third '
                                                          WHEN 0x08 THEN N'fourth '
                                                          WHEN 0x10 THEN N'last ' END
                         + CASE WHEN ss.freq_interval BETWEEN 1 AND 7 THEN DATENAME(dw, N'1996120' + CONVERT(nvarchar, ss.freq_interval))
                                WHEN ss.freq_interval =  8 THEN N'day'
                                WHEN ss.freq_interval =  9 THEN N'weekday'
                                WHEN ss.freq_interval = 10 THEN N'weekend day' END
                         + N' of that month'
                         + IIF(ss.freq_subday_type IN (0x02,0x04,0x08),N', ',N' ')
            WHEN 0x40 THEN FORMATMESSAGE(14579)
            WHEN 0x80 THEN FORMATMESSAGE(14578, ISNULL(@idle_cpu_percent,10), ISNULL(@idle_cpu_duration,600))
       /* Subday Portion */
     + IIF( ss.freq_type IN (0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20)
          , CASE ss.freq_subday_type WHEN 0x1 THEN N'at ' + CONVERT(nvarchar, RIGHT('00'+CONVERT(varchar(10),ss.active_start_time/10000),2) + ':' + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(varchar(10),(ss.active_start_time % 10000) / 100),2) ) 
                                     WHEN 0x2 THEN IIF(ss.freq_subday_interval = 1,N'every second,',N'every ' + CONVERT(nvarchar, ss.freq_subday_interval) + N' seconds,') 
                                     WHEN 0x4 THEN IIF(ss.freq_subday_interval = 1,N'every minute,',N'every ' + CONVERT(nvarchar, ss.freq_subday_interval) + N' minutes,')
                                     WHEN 0x8 THEN IIF(ss.freq_subday_interval = 1,N'every hour,',N'every ' + CONVERT(nvarchar, ss.freq_subday_interval) + N' hours,') END
          + IIF( ss.freq_subday_type IN (0x02, 0x04, 0x08)
               , N' between '
               + CONVERT(nvarchar, RIGHT('00'+CONVERT(varchar(10),ss.active_start_time / 10000),2) + ':' + RIGHT('00'+CONVERT(varchar(10),(ss.active_start_time % 10000) / 100),2) )
               + N' and '
               + CONVERT(nvarchar, RIGHT('00'+CONVERT(varchar(10),ss.active_end_time / 10000),2) + ':' + RIGHT('00'+CONVERT(varchar(10),(ss.active_end_time % 10000) / 100),2) ) 
               , N'')
          , N'') As [Description]
  From dbo.sysschedules ss
       Inner Join dbo.sysjobschedules js
         On js.schedule_id = ss.schedule_id
       Inner Join dbo.sysjobs j
         On j.job_id = js.job_id
As (
Select dt_h.job_id
     , CONVERT(varchar,dt_h.RunDate,100) As [LastRunDate]
     , IIF(PATINDEX('% invoked by User %',dt_h.[message]) = 0,
                     PATINDEX('% invoked by User %',dt_h.[message])+17,
                     PATINDEX('%.  The last step to run %',dt_h.[message])-PATINDEX('% invoked by User %',dt_h.[message])-17)
           ) As [User]
   From (Select ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY h.job_id ORDER BY h.run_date DESC, h.run_time DESC ) As [Row],
               dbo.agent_datetime(h.run_date , h.run_time) As [RunDate],
          From dbo.sysjobhistory h
         Where step_id = 0) dt_h
 Where [Row] = 1
Select As [Job Name]
     , SUSER_SNAME(j.owner_sid) As [Owner]
     , j.[enabled] As [Enabled]
     , CASE WHEN s.Description IS NULL THEN 'Not scheduled.' + ISNULL(' Last run '+h.LastRunDate+ ISNULL(' by user '+h.[User]+'.','.'),'')
            ELSE s.Description
       END As [Schedule]
     , CASE WHEN j.[description] = 'No description available.' THEN ''
            ELSE REPLACE(REPLACE(j.[description],CHAR(13),''),CHAR(10),'') END As [Description]
  From dbo.sysjobs j
       Left Outer Join schedules s
         On s.job_id = j.job_id
       Left Outer Join history h
         On h.job_id = j.job_id
 Order By


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