Technical Article

Automatic Generation of Insert, Update and Delete stored procedures


This Script was originally posted by Deepthi but had some significant issues.

I have modified it for those like for identtity column and MAX data width.


To use this script copy this and execute it in a query browser


after successful creation you can execute this SP by passing the table name as a parameter on which the resultant SPs are to be created.



/*-- =======================================================================================

--Updated by : Samardeep Singh 
-- for identity columns and MAX data width of a column
-- Author : Deepthi Viswanathan Nair
--update date : July 23 2009
-- Create date : May 22 2009 3:42PM
-- Description : Generate the Insert / Update/ Delete Stored procedure script of any table 
--                 by passing the table name
    Exec [dbo].[sp_et_create_sps_for_table] 'et_application'

-- ========================================================================================= */
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_et_create_sps_for_table]
    @tblName Varchar(150) 
    Declare @dbName Varchar(50) 
    Declare @insertSPName Varchar(50), @updateSPName Varchar(50), @deleteSPName Varchar(50) ;
    Declare @tablColumnParameters Varchar(1000), @tableColumns Varchar(1000),@tableColumnVariables Varchar(1000);
    Declare @tableCols     Varchar(1000), @tablinsertParameters Varchar(1000);
    Declare @space            Varchar(50) ;
    Declare @colName         Varchar(100) ;
    Declare @colVariable    Varchar(100) ;
    Declare @colParameter    Varchar(100) ;
    Declare @strSpText        Varchar(8000);
    Declare @updCols        Varchar(2000);
    Declare @delParamCols    Varchar(2000);
    Declare @whereCols        Varchar(2000);
    Set        @tblName         = SubString(@tblName,CharIndex('.',@tblName)+1, Len(@tblName))
    Set        @insertSPName = '[dbo].[sp_' + lower(@tblName) +'_insert]' ;
    Set        @updateSPName = '[dbo].[sp_' + lower(@tblName) +'_update]' ;
    Set        @deleteSPName = '[dbo].[sp_' + lower(@tblName) +'_delete]' ;
    Set        @space                 = REPLICATE(' ', 4) ;
    Set        @tablColumnParameters = '' ;
    Set        @tableColumns         = '' ;
    Set        @tableColumnVariables = '' ;
    Set        @strSPText             = '' ;
    Set        @tableCols             = '' ;
    Set        @updCols             = '' ;
    Set        @delParamCols         = '' ;
    Set        @whereCols             = '' ;
    -- Get all columns & data types for a table 

--    SELECT distinct
--   as 'Table', 
--            syscolumns.colid ,
--            '[' + + ']' as 'ColumnName',
--            '@' as 'ColumnVariable',
--   + 
--    Case When systypes.xusertype in (165,167,175,231,239 ) Then '(' + Convert(varchar(10),Case When syscolumns.length=-1 Then 4000 else syscolumns.length end) +')' Else '' end as 'DataType' ,
--            '@' + ' ' + + 
--    Case When systypes.xusertype in (165,167,175,231,239 ) Then '(' + Convert(varchar(10),Case When syscolumns.length=-1 Then 4000 else syscolumns.length end) +')' Else '' end as 'ColumnParameter'
--    Into    #tmp_Structure    
--    From    sysobjects , syscolumns , systypes
--    Where             =
--            and syscolumns.xusertype = systypes.xusertype
--            and sysobjects.xtype     = 'u'
--            and         = @tblName
--            and!=(SELECT    
--   AS ColumnName
--            FROM    sys.columns AS c 
--            INNER JOIN
--            sys.tables AS t 
--            ON t.[object_id] = c.[object_id]
--            where        c.is_identity = 1
--            and
--    Order by syscolumns.colid

--    SELECT distinct
--   as 'Table', 
--            syscolumns.colid ,
--            '[' + + ']' as 'ColumnName',
--            '@' as 'ColumnVariable',
--   + 
--    Case When systypes.xusertype in (165,167,175,231,239 ) Then '(' + Convert(varchar(10),Case When syscolumns.length=-1 Then 4000 else syscolumns.length end) +')' Else '' end as 'DataType' ,
--            '@' + ' ' + + 
--    Case When systypes.xusertype in (165,167,175,231,239 ) Then '(' + Convert(varchar(10),Case When syscolumns.length=-1 Then 4000 else syscolumns.length end) +')' Else '' end as 'ColumnParameter'
--    Into    #tmp_Structure    
--    From    sysobjects , syscolumns , systypes
--    Where             =
--            and syscolumns.xusertype = systypes.xusertype
--            and sysobjects.xtype     = 'u'
--            and         = @tblName
--    Order by syscolumns.colid

    -- Get all Primary KEY columns & data types for a table 
    SELECT as 'Table', 
                c.colid ,
                '[' + + ']' as 'ColumnName',
                '@' as 'ColumnVariable',
        Case When systypes.xusertype in (165,167,175,231,239 ) Then '(' + Convert(varchar(10),c.length) +')' Else '' end as 'DataType' ,
                '@' + ' ' + + 
        Case When systypes.xusertype in (165,167,175,231,239 ) Then '(' + Convert(varchar(10),c.length) +')' Else '' end as 'ColumnParameter'
    Into    #tmp_PK_Structure    
    FROM sysindexes i, sysobjects t, sysindexkeys k, syscolumns c, systypes
    WHERE =     AND
            i.indid = k.indid AND = k.ID And
   = AND c.colid = k.colid AND 
            i.indid BETWEEN 1 And 254 AND 
            c.xusertype = systypes.xusertype AND
            (i.status & 2048) = 2048 AND = OBJECT_ID(@tblName)

    --if exists(select * from #tmp_PK_Structure)
        --print 'y'
        SELECT distinct
   as 'Table', 
            syscolumns.colid ,
            '[' + + ']' as 'ColumnName',
            '@' as 'ColumnVariable',
    Case When systypes.xusertype in (165,167,175,231,239 ) Then '(' + Convert(varchar(10),Case When syscolumns.length=-1 Then 4000 else syscolumns.length end) +')' Else '' end as 'DataType' ,
            '@' + ' ' + + 
    Case When systypes.xusertype in (165,167,175,231,239 ) Then '(' + Convert(varchar(10),Case When syscolumns.length=-1 Then 4000 else syscolumns.length end) +')' Else '' end as 'ColumnParameter'
    Into    #tmp_Structure    
    From    sysobjects , syscolumns , systypes
    Where             =
            and syscolumns.xusertype = systypes.xusertype
            and sysobjects.xtype     = 'u'
            and         = @tblName
   AS ColumnName
            FROM    sys.columns AS c 
            INNER JOIN
            sys.tables AS t 
            ON t.[object_id] = c.[object_id]
            where        c.is_identity = 1
    Order by syscolumns.colid        

        --print 'n'
        SELECT distinct
   as 'Table', 
            syscolumns.colid ,
            '[' + + ']' as 'ColumnName',
            '@' as 'ColumnVariable',
    Case When systypes.xusertype in (165,167,175,231,239 ) Then '(' + Convert(varchar(10),Case When syscolumns.length=-1 Then 4000 else syscolumns.length end) +')' Else '' end as 'DataType' ,
            '@' + ' ' + + 
    Case When systypes.xusertype in (165,167,175,231,239 ) Then '(' + Convert(varchar(10),Case When syscolumns.length=-1 Then 4000 else syscolumns.length end) +')' Else '' end as 'ColumnParameter'
    Into    #tmp_Structure1    
    From    sysobjects , syscolumns , systypes
    Where             =
            and syscolumns.xusertype = systypes.xusertype
            and sysobjects.xtype     = 'u'
            and         = @tblName
    Order by syscolumns.colid
    /* Read the table structure and populate variables*/
    Declare SpText_Cursor Cursor For
        Select ColumnName, ColumnVariable, ColumnParameter
        From #tmp_Structure 

    Open SpText_Cursor

    Fetch Next From SpText_Cursor Into @colName, @colVariable, @colParameter
    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
        Set @tableColumns            = @tableColumns + @colName + CHAR(13) + @space + @space + ',' ;         
        Set @tablColumnParameters = @tablColumnParameters + @colParameter + CHAR(13) + @space + ',' ; 
        Set @tableColumnVariables = @tableColumnVariables + @colVariable + CHAR(13) + @space + @space + ',' ; 
        Set @tableCols                = @tableCols + @colName + ',' ;         
        Set @updCols                = @updCols + @colName + ' = ' + @colVariable + CHAR(13) + @space + @space + ',' ; 
     Fetch Next From SpText_Cursor Into @colName, @colVariable, @colParameter 

    Close SpText_Cursor
    Deallocate SpText_Cursor

    /* for update parameter*/
    if exists(select * from #tmp_PK_Structure)
    Set @tablinsertParameters=''
    Declare SpText_Cursor1 Cursor For
        Select ColumnParameter
        From #tmp_Structure1 

    Open SpText_Cursor1

    Fetch Next From SpText_Cursor1 Into @colParameter
    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
        Set @tablinsertParameters = @tablinsertParameters + @colParameter + CHAR(13) + @space + ',' ; 
     Fetch Next From SpText_Cursor1 Into @colParameter 

    Close SpText_Cursor1
    Deallocate SpText_Cursor1
    /*end for update parameter*/

    /* Read the Primary Keys from the table and populate variables*/
    Declare SpPKText_Cursor Cursor For
        Select ColumnName, ColumnVariable, ColumnParameter
        From #tmp_PK_Structure 

    Open SpPKText_Cursor

    Fetch Next From SpPKText_Cursor Into @colName, @colVariable, @colParameter
    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
        Set @delParamCols = @delParamCols + @colParameter + CHAR(13) + @space + ',' ; 
        Set @whereCols        = @whereCols + @colName + ' = ' + @colVariable + ' AND ' ; 
     Fetch Next From SpPKText_Cursor Into @colName, @colVariable, @colParameter 

    Close SpPKText_Cursor
    Deallocate SpPKText_Cursor

        If (LEN(@tablinsertParameters)>0)
            Set @tablinsertParameters    = LEFT(@tablinsertParameters,LEN(@tablinsertParameters)-1) ;
    -- Stored procedure scripts starts here
    If (LEN(@tablColumnParameters)>0)
        Set @tablColumnParameters    = LEFT(@tablColumnParameters,LEN(@tablColumnParameters)-1) ;
        Set @tableColumnVariables    = LEFT(@tableColumnVariables,LEN(@tableColumnVariables)-1) ;
        Set @tableColumns            = LEFT(@tableColumns,LEN(@tableColumns)-1) ;
        Set @tableCols                = LEFT(@tableCols,LEN(@tableCols)-1) ;
        Set @updCols                = LEFT(@updCols,LEN(@updCols)-1) ;

        If (LEN(@whereCols)>0)
            Set @whereCols            = 'WHERE ' + LEFT(@whereCols,LEN(@whereCols)-4) ;
            Set @delParamCols        = LEFT(@delParamCols,LEN(@delParamCols)-1) ;

        /* Create INSERT stored procedure for the table if it does not exist */
        IF Not EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(@insertSPName) AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsProcedure') = 1)
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + ''
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '/*-- ============================================='
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '-- Author : dbo'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '-- Create date : ' + Convert(varchar(20),Getdate())
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '-- Description : Insert Procedure for ' + @tblName
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '-- Exec ' + @insertSPName + ' ' + @tableCols
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '-- ============================================= */'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + 'CREATE PROCEDURE ' + @insertSPName
            if exists(select * from #tmp_PK_Structure)
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + ' ' + @tablColumnParameters
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + ' ' + @tablinsertParameters

            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + 'AS'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + 'BEGIN'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + ''
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + 'INSERT INTO [dbo].['+@tblName +']' 
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + '( ' 
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + @space + ' ' + @tableColumns 
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + ')'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + 'VALUES'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + '('
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + @space + ' ' + @tableColumnVariables
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + ')'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + 'END'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + ''
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + ''
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + ''
            --Print @strSPText ;

            if (@@ERROR=0) 
                Print 'Procedure ' + @insertSPName + ' Created Successfully '
            Print 'Sorry!! ' + @insertSPName + ' Already exists in the database. '
        /* Create UPDATE stored procedure for the table if it does not exist */
        IF Not EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(@updateSPName) AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsProcedure') = 1)
            Set @strSPText = ''
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '/*-- ============================================='
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '-- Author : dbo'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '-- Create date : ' + Convert(varchar(20),Getdate())
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '-- Description : Update Procedure for ' + @tblName
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '-- Exec ' + @updateSPName + ' ' + @tableCols
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '-- ============================================= */'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + 'CREATE PROCEDURE ' + @updateSPName

            if exists(select * from #tmp_PK_Structure)
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + ' ' + @tablinsertParameters
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + ' ' + @tablColumnParameters
            --Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + ' ' + @tablColumnParameters

            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + 'AS'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + 'BEGIN'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + ''
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + 'UPDATE [dbo].['+@tblName +']' 
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + 'SET ' 
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + @space + ' ' + @updCols 
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + @whereCols
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + ''
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + 'END'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + ''
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + ''
            --Print @strSPText ;

            if (@@ERROR=0) 
                Print 'Procedure ' + @updateSPName + ' Created Successfully '
            Print 'Sorry!! ' + @updateSPName + ' Already exists in the database. '
        /* Create DELETE stored procedure for the table if it does not exist */
        IF Not EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(@deleteSPName) AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsProcedure') = 1)
            Set @strSPText = ''
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '/*-- ============================================='
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '-- Author : dbo'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '-- Create date : ' + Convert(varchar(20),Getdate())
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '-- Description : Delete Procedure for ' + @tblName
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '-- Exec ' + @deleteSPName + ' ' + @delParamCols
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + '-- ============================================= */'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + 'CREATE PROCEDURE ' + @deleteSPName
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + ' ' + @delParamCols
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + 'AS'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + 'BEGIN'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + ''
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + 'DELETE FROM [dbo].['+@tblName +']' 
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + @space + @whereCols
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + ''
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + 'END'
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + ''
            Set @strSPText = @strSPText + CHAR(13) + ''
            --Print @strSPText ;

            if (@@ERROR=0) 
                Print 'Procedure ' + @deleteSPName + ' Created Successfully '
            Print 'Sorry!! ' + @deleteSPName + ' Already exists in the database. '
    Drop table #tmp_Structure
    Drop table #tmp_Structure1
    Drop table #tmp_PK_Structure


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