Technical Article

Backup all Analysis Services databases to drive


This stored procedure will loop through all of the Analysis Services databases in the repository and back them up to a .cab file using the msmdarch command. A log file will be included with the backup.

There will be 2 days worth of backups saved to a local disk drive on the server.

It may be necessary to add "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Analysis Services\Bin" to the path statement on the server in order for SQL Server to find msmdarch when running the stored procedure as part of a scheduled SQL job.

create  procedure db_ArchiveAnalysisServicesDBs
	@ASServer	varchar(25),
	@ASPath		varchar(100),
	@BkpPath	varchar(100),
	@RepositoryDB   varchar(55)


 * This procedure will archive all of the Analysis
 * Services databases to a drive on the server.
 * Two days worth of archives will be saved.

-- Declare local variables.
declare @DatabaseName	varchar(45),
	@Command	varchar(550),
	@SQLCommand	Nvarchar(2500)

-- Declare and open the database name cursor.
	--	select distinct(rtrim(DstName))
	--		from msdb..RTblRelships
	--		where	OrgTypeID = 0x1E00000035370000 and
	--			Z_OrgVE_Z = 2147483647 and
	--			DstName not like 'FoodMart%'
	--		group by DstName
select @SQLCommand = ('declare Database_cur INSENSITIVE cursor for ' +
				'select rtrim(ObjectName) from ' + @RepositoryDB + '..OlapObjects ' +
				'where ClassType = 2 and ObjectName not like ''FoodMart%'' ' +
					'order by ObjectName for read only')
--print @SQLCommand
EXEC sp_executesql @SQLCommand

open Database_cur
fetch Database_cur into @DatabaseName

 * Loop.
while ( @@fetch_status = 0 )

	select '*** Processing database=' + @DatabaseName

	-- Delete the 2 day old archives.
	set @Command = ('del "' + @BkpPath + @DatabaseName + '"')
	print @Command
	EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
	set @Command = ('del "' + @BkpPath + @DatabaseName + '2.log"')
	print @Command
	EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command

	-- Rename the previous day's archives to another name.
	set @Command = ('rename "' + @BkpPath + @DatabaseName + '.cab" "' +
					@DatabaseName + '" ')
	print @Command
	EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command
	set @Command = ('rename "' + @BkpPath + @DatabaseName + '.log" "' +
					@DatabaseName + '2.log" ')
	print @Command
	EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command

	-- Archive the database.
	set @Command = ('msmdarch /A ' + rtrim(@ASServer) +
			' "' + @ASPath + '" "' + @DatabaseName +
			'" "' + @BkpPath + @DatabaseName + '.cab"' + 
			' "' + @BkpPath + @DatabaseName + '.log"')
	print @Command
	EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @Command

fetch Database_cur into @DatabaseName

 * End of loop.

-- Close and deallocate the cursor.
close Database_cur
deallocate Database_cur



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