Technical Article

BCP Format File Builder


I know we're all supposed to be using SSIS by now but the facts are BCP is VERRY FAST. If you're dealing with CSV files you may have thought the easiest way to load them was with SSIS. Guess again, Creating a fomrat file will be a simpler process with this procedure.

Much thanks goes to Jeff Moden for showing me how to do this create the file. I took his guidance and tried to automate it.


create procedure ops.util_BCPFormatFile
    @header        nvarchar(max)    
,    @delimiter    nvarchar(6)        = ','
,    @table        sysname            = null
            © 2000-09 • NightOwl Development • All rights reserved.
Developer:    Paul Hunter
Created :    07/17/2009
Purpose :    Build an non-xml format file from the "header" string of a file for
            use by a BCP command. Handles problems associated with text-qualified
            files such as CSV.

Sample:        @header        = '"DVD_Title","Studio",Released,"Status","Sound","Versions",Price,"Rating","Year","Genre","Aspect","UPC",DVD_ReleaseDate,ID,Timestamp,Updated'
            @delimiter    = ','
            @table        = 'dbo.test_table'    --[optional] uses data from sys.columns for file length and position
                                                        otherwise it uses "column name" as length if table isn't 
                                                        found or column isn't matched

            create table dbo.test_table
                (    DVD_Title        varchar(128)
                ,    Studio            varchar(30)
                ,    Released        datetime
                ,    Status            varchar(10)
                ,    Sound            varchar(10)
                ,    Versions        varchar(10)
                ,    Price            money
                ,    Rating            varchar(10)
                ,    Year            char(4)
                ,    Genre            varchar(10)
                ,    Aspect            varchar(15)
                ,    UPC                varchar(25)
                ,    DVD_ReleaseDate    datetime
                ,    ID                int primary key
                ,    Timestamp        timestamp
                ,    Updated            smallint

    Yields the result set for a format file:
1     SQLCHAR    0    0      "\""       0    dummy_col           SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
2     SQLCHAR    0    128    "\",\""    1    DVD_Title           SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
3     SQLCHAR    0    30     "\","      2    Studio              SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
4     SQLCHAR    0    8      ",\""      3    Released            ""
5     SQLCHAR    0    10     "\",\""    4    Status              SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
6     SQLCHAR    0    10     "\",\""    5    Sound               SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
7     SQLCHAR    0    10     "\","      6    Versions            SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
8     SQLCHAR    0    8      ",\""      7    Price               ""
9     SQLCHAR    0    10     "\",\""    8    Rating              SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
10    SQLCHAR    0    4      "\",\""    9    Year                SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
11    SQLCHAR    0    10     "\",\""    10  Genre               SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
12    SQLCHAR    0    15     "\",\""    11  Aspect              SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
13    SQLCHAR    0    25     "\","      12  UPC                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
14    SQLCHAR    0    8      ","        13  DVD_ReleaseDate     ""
15    SQLCHAR    0    4      ","        14  ID                  ""
16    SQLCHAR    0    8      ","        15  Timestamp           ""
17    SQLCHAR    0    2      "\r\n"     16  Updated             ""    

History :
 Date        Developer        Description
——————————    ——————————————    ————————————————————————————————————————————————————

set nocount on;


    @addField    bit
,    @carryOver    bit
,    @column        nvarchar(255)
,    @field        nvarchar(255)
,    @fieldNum    int
,    @length        varchar(5)
,    @pos        int
,    @start        int
,    @startQuote    bit
,    @stop        int
,    @tableId    int
,    @termChar    varchar(6)
,    @terminator    varchar(6)
,    @version    nvarchar(128)
--    constants...
,    @COLLATION    nvarchar(35)
,    @QUOTE        char(1)
,    @QUOTE_E    char(2)
,    @SQLCHAR    char(7)

declare    @format    table
    (    rowId        smallint    identity primary key
    ,    colName        sysname        not null
    ,    terminator    varchar(6)    not null
    ,    colOrder    varchar(5)    not null
    ,    fileLength    varchar(5)    not null

--    initialize variables
select    @addField    = 0
    ,    @carryOver    = 0
    ,    @column        = ''
    ,    @fieldNum    = 1
    ,    @length        = ''
    ,    @startQuote    = 0
    ,    @tableId    = object_id(@table)
    ,    @termChar    = case @delimiter when char(9) then '\t' else @delimiter end
    ,    @terminator    = ''
    ,    @version    = convert(nvarchar(128), serverproperty(N'ProductVersion'))
    --    constants...
    ,    @COLLATION    = convert(nvarchar(128), serverproperty(N'Collation'))
    ,    @QUOTE        = '"'
    ,    @QUOTE_E    = '\"'
    ,    @SQLCHAR    = 'SQLCHAR'

--    get the SQL Engine version...
set @version = left(@version, charindex('.', @version) + 1);

while charindex(@delimiter, @header) > 0
    set @pos    = charindex(@delimiter, @header);                --    find the next delimiter
    set @field    = left(@header, @pos - 1);                        --    collect that value
    set @header    = substring(@header, @pos + 1, len(@header));    --    shorten the header by the field just removed...
    set  @addField    =    0;
    set  @carryOver    =    case len(@column)
                        when 0 then 0
                        else 1 end;

    set @startQuote    =    case left(@field, 1) 
                        when @QUOTE then 1
                        else 0 end;

    set    @column        =    @column + replace(@field, @QUOTE, '') + ' ';        --    remove quotes

    set @length        =    cast(len(@column) as varchar(5));        --    default length is the lenght from the "column"

    if (@startQuote = 1 or @carryOver = 1)
        if right(@field, 1) = @QUOTE
            set @addField    =    1;
            set @terminator =    @QUOTE_E + @termChar
                            +    case left(@header, 1)
                                when @QUOTE then @QUOTE_E
                                else '' end;
        set @addField    =    1;
        set @terminator =    @termChar
                        +    case left(@header, 1)
                            when @QUOTE then @QUOTE_E
                            else '' end;

    if (@addField = 1)
        set @column = rtrim(@column);
        if(@fieldNum = 1 and charindex(@QUOTE, @field) > 0)
            --    add an "dummy column" if it's the first field and it starts with a quote
            insert @format values('dummy_col', @QUOTE_E, 0, 0);

        --    add the column to the database
        insert @format values(@column, @terminator, @fieldNum, @length);
        set @fieldNum    = @fieldNum + 1;
        set @terminator = '';
        set @column        = '';

--    the part of the header is the last field...
set    @column        =    replace(@header, @QUOTE, '');
set @length        =    cast(len(@column) as varchar(5));
set    @terminator    =    case right(@header, 1)
                    when @QUOTE then @QUOTE_E
                    else '' end + '\r\n'

insert @format values(@column, @terminator, @fieldNum, @length)

--    return the resulting format file definition...
select    FileOrder
    ,    FileType
    ,    PrefixLength    
    ,    FileLength
    ,    Terminator
    ,    ColumnOrder
    ,    ColumnName
    ,    ColumnCollation
from(    select    0            as type
            ,    0            as rowId
            ,    left(@version, 6)    as FileOrder
            ,    ''            as FileType
            ,    ''            as PrefixLength    
            ,    ''            as FileLength
            ,    ''            as Terminator
            ,    ''            as ColumnOrder
            ,    ''            as ColumnName
            ,    ''            as ColumnCollation
        union all
        select    1            as type
            ,    0            as rowId
            ,    cast(@fieldNum as varchar(6))
            ,    ''            as FileType
            ,    ''            as PrefixLength    
            ,    ''            as FileLength
            ,    ''            as Terminator
            ,    ''            as ColumnOrder
            ,    ''            as ColumnName
            ,    ''            as ColumnCollation
        union all
        select    2            as type
            ,    f.rowId
            ,    cast(f.rowId as varchar(6))
            ,    @SQLCHAR    as FileType
            ,    '0'            as PrefixLength    
            ,    isnull(c.max_length, f.FileLength)
            ,    '"' + isnull(Terminator, '') + '"'
            ,    isnull(c.column_id, f.colOrder)
            ,    isnull(, f.colName)
            ,    isnull(c.collation_name, @COLLATION)
        from    @format        f
        left outer join
            (    select    cast(column_id as varchar(5))    as column_id
                    ,    name
                    ,    cast(max_length as varchar(5))    as max_length
                    ,    isnull(collation_name, '""')    as collation_name
                from    sys.columns
                where    object_id = @tableId
            )    c on f.colName =
    )    f
order by f.type, f.rowId;

return @@error;


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