Technical Article

Datetime Formats


Typically this could be compiled in the Master database so that it is always available from any user database that you may be working in.  You can also add this as a Query Shortcut configured in the Options for Management Studio. (Located at Tools...Options, Environment...Keyboard...Query Shortcuts)  Then this tool is a <CNTL><KEY> away from your work.

if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where name = 'sp_datetime_formats')
  drop procedure sp_datetime_formats
create procedure sp_datetime_formats

Written By:    Doug Deneau, FinServ Technology Services, PLC (Fettan)
Company Desc:  Payment services technology company in Ethoipia
Date Written:  March, 2009

This stored procedure is used to generate all datetime formats when using the
CONVERT(varchar(30),@MyDate,<style>) function.  It shows sample formats of each
variation in style parameter.  The output also shows samples for the various
date arguments within the date functions.


  WO_Century          - Style argument value without the century in the year (2-digit year)
  WO_Cent_No_Offset   - Sample output without the century in the year and no offset
  WO_Cent_With_Offset - Sample output without the century in the year and offset
  W_Century           - Style argument value with the century in the year (4-digit year)
  W_Cent_No_Offset    - Sample output with the century in the year and no offset
  W_Cent_With_Offset  - Sample output with the century in the year and offset
  DateName_Parm       - Date Part argument name for use in various date functions
  DateName_Example    - Sample data from using the corresponding Date Part argument

  <name> - <datetime> - <description of change>

set nocount on
declare @Fmt     int,
        @More    char(1),
        @Today   datetime,
        @TodayO  datetimeoffset

select @Today  = GETDATE()

create table #data
  (WO_Century           varchar(5)  null,
   WO_Cent_No_Offset    varchar(50) null,
   WO_Cent_With_Offset  varchar(50) null,
   W_Century            int         not null,
   W_Cent_No_Offset     varchar(50) null,
   W_Cent_With_Offset   varchar(50) null,
   DateName_Parm        varchar(50) null,
   DateName_Example     varchar(50) null)

select @More = 'Y', @Fmt = 0
while @More = 'Y' begin
  insert into #data (WO_Century, WO_Cent_No_Offset, WO_Cent_With_Offset, W_Century, W_Cent_No_Offset, W_Cent_With_Offset)
  select @Fmt,       Convert(varchar(50),@Today,@Fmt),       Convert(varchar(50),@TodayO,@Fmt),
         @Fmt + 100, Convert(varchar(50),@Today,@Fmt + 100), Convert(varchar(50),@TodayO,@Fmt + 100)
  select @Fmt = @Fmt + 1
  if @Fmt > 14 select @More = 'N'
end -- of loop
insert into #data (WO_Century, WO_Cent_No_Offset, WO_Cent_With_Offset, W_Century, W_Cent_No_Offset, W_Cent_With_Offset)
  select 20, Convert(varchar(50),@Today,20), Convert(varchar(50),@TodayO,20), 120, Convert(varchar(50),@Today,120), Convert(varchar(50),@TodayO,120)
insert into #data (WO_Century, WO_Cent_No_Offset, WO_Cent_With_Offset, W_Century, W_Cent_No_Offset, W_Cent_With_Offset)
  select 21, Convert(varchar(50),@Today,21), Convert(varchar(50),@TodayO,21), 121, Convert(varchar(50),@Today,121), Convert(varchar(50),@TodayO,121)
insert into #data (W_Century, W_Cent_No_Offset, W_Cent_With_Offset)
  select 126, Convert(varchar(50),@Today,126), Convert(varchar(50),@TodayO,126)
insert into #data (W_Century, W_Cent_No_Offset, W_Cent_With_Offset)
  select 127, Convert(varchar(50),@Today,127), Convert(varchar(50),@TodayO,127)
insert into #data (W_Century, W_Cent_No_Offset, W_Cent_With_Offset)
  select 130, Convert(varchar(50),@Today,130), Convert(varchar(50),@TodayO,130)
insert into #data (W_Century, W_Cent_No_Offset, W_Cent_With_Offset)
  select 131, Convert(varchar(50),@Today,131), Convert(varchar(50),@TodayO,131)

update #data set WO_Century = '<def>' where WO_Century = '0'

-- datepart formats

update #data set DateName_Parm = 'year,yyyy,yy',    DateName_Example = DATENAME(year,@Today)        where WO_Century = '0'
update #data set DateName_Parm = 'quarter,qq,q',    DateName_Example = DATENAME(quarter,@Today)     where WO_Century = '1'
update #data set DateName_Parm = 'month,mm,m',      DateName_Example = DATENAME(month,@Today)       where WO_Century = '2'
update #data set DateName_Parm = 'dayofyear,dy,y',  DateName_Example = DATENAME(dayofyear,@Today)   where WO_Century = '3'
update #data set DateName_Parm = 'day,dd,d',        DateName_Example = DATENAME(day,@Today)         where WO_Century = '4'
update #data set DateName_Parm = 'week,wk,ww',      DateName_Example = DATENAME(week,@Today)        where WO_Century = '5'
update #data set DateName_Parm = 'weekday,dw',      DateName_Example = DATENAME(weekday,@Today)     where WO_Century = '6'
update #data set DateName_Parm = 'hour,hh',         DateName_Example = DATENAME(hour,@Today)        where WO_Century = '7'
update #data set DateName_Parm = 'minute,mi,mn',    DateName_Example = DATENAME(minute,@Today)      where WO_Century = '8'
update #data set DateName_Parm = 'second,ss,s',     DateName_Example = DATENAME(second,@Today)      where WO_Century = '9'
update #data set DateName_Parm = 'millisecond,ms',  DateName_Example = DATENAME(millisecond,@Today) where WO_Century = '10'
update #data set DateName_Parm = 'microsecond,mcs', DateName_Example = DATENAME(microsecond,@Today) where WO_Century = '11'
update #data set DateName_Parm = 'nanosecond,ns',   DateName_Example = DATENAME(nanosecond,@Today)  where WO_Century = '12'
update #data set DateName_Parm = 'TZoffset,tz',     DateName_Example = DATENAME(TZOFFSET,@TodayO)   where WO_Century = '13'

select * from #data

drop table #data

end -- of procedure


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