Technical Article

Disable Foreign keys


Updated version of the script by Chrislis

The code is originally credited to Chrislis - I've just amended it!

  • Uses SQL2005 system views rather than SQL2000 system tables
  • Includes support for schemas


Updated version of the script by Chrislis 

Uses SQL2005 system views rather than SQL2000 system tables;
and includes support for schemas
drop procedure IoForeignKeys
--IOForeignKeys 0
--IOForeignKeys 1
CREATE procedure IOForeignKeys @PutFK integer
declare @IdFK integer
declare @ForeignKey sysname
declare @ChildSchema sysname
declare @ParentSchema sysname
declare @ChildTable sysname
declare @ParentTable sysname
declare @ParentColumn sysname
declare @ChildColumn sysname
declare @ParentColumns varchar(1000)
declare @ChildColumns varchar(1000)
        if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where type = 'U' and Name ='metForeignKeys')
            drop table metForeignKeys
        select * into metForeignKeys from 
            FK.constraint_object_id as IdFK,
   as [Foreign Key Name],
            schema_name(soch.schema_id) as [Child Schema],
   as [Child Table],
   as [Child Column],
            schema_name(sopa.schema_id) as [Parent Schema],
   as [Parent Table],
   as [Parent Column]
            sys.foreign_key_columns FK
        inner join sys.objects sofk on FK.constraint_object_id = sofk.object_id
        inner join sys.objects soch on FK.parent_object_id = soch.object_id
        inner join sys.columns scch on FK.parent_object_id = scch.object_id and FK.parent_column_id = scch.column_id
        inner join sys.objects sopa on FK.referenced_object_id = sopa.object_id
        inner join sys.columns scpa on FK.referenced_object_id = scpa.object_id and FK.referenced_column_id = scpa.column_id
        declare met_C_Delete cursor for select distinct IdFK from metForeignKeys
        open met_C_Delete
        fetch next from met_C_Delete into @IdFK
        while @@Fetch_Status = 0
            select @ForeignKey = [Foreign Key Name], @ChildTable = [Child Table], @ParentTable = [Parent Table], @ChildSchema = [Child Schema]
                from metForeignKeys where IdFK = @IdFK
            if @PutFK = 0
                EXEC( 'alter table [' + @ChildSchema + '].[' + @ChildTable + '] with check nocheck constraint ' + @ForeignKey)
                EXEC( 'alter table [' + @ChildSchema + '].[' + @ChildTable + '] with check check constraint ' + @ForeignKey)
            fetch next from met_C_Delete into @IdFK
        close met_C_Delete
        deallocate met_C_Delete



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