Technical Article

Excel Formula to create SQL Script for a Values Table


Here is an excel formula that generates a sql script from an excel table named "Table1" which is the default table name in excel.

It is an array formula so don't forget to hit ctr+shift+enter to make it work.

="SELECT "&CHAR(10)&" ["&TEXTJOIN("],[",FALSE,Table1[#Headers])&"]"&"
(VALUES "&TEXTJOIN(",",FALSE,IF(COLUMN(Table1)=1,CHAR(10)&"('","'")&SUBSTITUTE(Table1,"'","''")&IF(COLUMN(Table1)=COLUMNS(Table1),"')","'"))&") t1 (["&TEXTJOIN("],[",FALSE,Table1[#Headers])&"])"

So if your Table1 looks like the below.

Num Val Notes
6 The Beware
7 Quick
8 Brown The Jabberwock
9 Fox
10 Jumped my son
11 Over
12 The
13 Lazy \**\
14 Dog /td>
15 Didn't ?
16 He With teeth that bite
17 Do and claws that catch
18 Well

And you enter the script you will get some SQL that looks like this (it will have double quotes around the whole thing but that is easy enough to remove)

('8','Brown','The Jabberwock'),
('10','Jumped','my son'),
('16','He','With teeth that bite'),
('17','Do','and claws that catch'),
('18','Well','')) t1 ([Num],[Val],[Notes])

I hope this helps. I think the formula is fairly self explanatory and obviously it doesn't handle typing but it allows you to throw an excel table into a sql editor and play with the data nice and quickly.


="SELECT "&CHAR(10)&" ["&TEXTJOIN("],[",FALSE,Table1[#Headers])&"]"&"
(VALUES "&TEXTJOIN(",",FALSE,IF(COLUMN(Table1)=1,CHAR(10)&"('","'")&SUBSTITUTE(Table1,"'","''")&IF(COLUMN(Table1)=COLUMNS(Table1),"')","'"))&") t1 (["&TEXTJOIN("],[",FALSE,Table1[#Headers])&"])"


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