Technical Article

Find unused jobs


Job list cluttered?
This script will return a list of jobs that either have not run in X months or where the next schedule run date is older than today.

Just run this against any server. Investigate if the job can be deleted. To be on the safe side, you can always script the job by: Right clicking the job / Script job as / Create to

SELECT	@@SERVERNAME SvrName, J.Name, J.[Enabled], JA.LastRun, JA.NextRun, JV.[description], JC.Name JobCategory
FROM	msdb.dbo.sysjobs J
		JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view JV
			ON J.Job_ID = JV.Job_ID
			SELECT	Job_ID, MAX(Last_Executed_Step_Date) LastRun, MAX(Next_Scheduled_Run_Date) NextRun
			FROM	msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity 
			GROUP	BY Job_Id
			) JA
			ON J.Job_ID = JA.Job_ID
		JOIN msdb.dbo.syscategories JC
			ON J.Category_ID = JC.category_id
WHERE	DATEDIFF(m, ISNULL(LastRun, '1900-01-01'), GETDATE()) > 12
		OR NextRun < GETDATE()


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