Technical Article

For SQL 2000. Scan frag. in all system indexes


Similar to the script posted before, but this one is for system tables with indexes, not for user tables.

**  Author: Rodrigo Acosta
**  Email:
**  Script to be included in a Job that manages fragmentation
**  in all system indexes in the executing database.

Set Nocount On

** *************Error Message Definition********************

/* Declare Variables that wil be used for the error message */
Declare @Error_no Int
Declare @AddMessage Varchar(1500)

/* Calculates the last error number of the message */
Set @Error_no = (Select Top 1 error From master.dbo.sysmessages Order by error Desc)

   First checks if the message that will be added exists.
   If it doesn't, calculates the available error number 
   and creates the message.
If Not Exists
		(Select description from master.dbo.sysmessages
		Where description Like ('%View C:\Frag_Info.log for more info.'))
	   If no user define error messages were added (Error < 50001).
	   Creates the message with the number 50001.
	If @Error_no < 50001
			Set @Error_no = 50001
			Set @AddMessage = 'EXEC Sp_addmessage @msgnum=' + Convert(VarChar(5), @Error_no) + ', 
				   @msgtext="%s index %s on table %s is %s percent fragmented. Consider re-building the index. View C:\Frag_Info.log for more info.",
			EXEC (@AddMessage)		
	   If there is an used define error (Error > 50001). Calculates the
	   first available error number and creates the error message.
			Set @Error_no = @Error_no + 1
			Set @AddMessage='EXEC Sp_addmessage @msgnum=' + Convert(VarChar(5), @Error_no) + ', 
				   @msgtext="%s index %s on table %s is %s percent fragmented. Consider re-building the index. View C:\Frag_Info.log for more info.",
			EXEC (@AddMessage)

** *************Alert Definition********************

** If the Alerts Does not exists, it is created to response to the Error message 
** created before.
If Not Exists
		(Select Name From msdb.dbo.sysalerts Where name = 'Fragmentation above 50% in user index.')
	EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert @name = 'Fragmentation above 50% in user index.',
						@message_id = @Error_no,
						@Severity = 0,
						@Enabled = 1,
						@delay_between_responses = 0,
						@category_name = '[Uncategorized]'

** *************Selecting Sysindexes columns********************

/*  Creates a Temp Table to hold the results from DBCC ShowContig   */

/*  Creates a Temp Table to show the results from DBCC ShowContig  */
Create Table #SaveResults
	(ObjectName Sysname,
	ObjectId int,
	IndexName Sysname,
	Indexid tinyint,
	[Level] int,
	Pages Int,
	[Rows] Int,
	MinimumRecordSize Int,
	MaximumRecordSize Int,
	AverageRecordSize Int,
	ForwardedRecords Int,
	Extents Int,
	ExtentSwitches Int,
	AverageFreeBytes Int,
	AveragePageDensity Int,
	ScanDensity Int,
	BestCount tinyint,
	ActualCount TinyInt,
	LogFragmentation TinyInt,
	ExtentFragmentation Int)

/*  Creates a Temp Table to show the modified results from DBCC ShowContig   */
Create Table ##ShowResults
	(TableName sysname,
	IndexName sysname,
	IndexType Varchar (12),
	[%Frag] TinyInt,
	Defrag VarChar (3),
	Pages Int,
	AvgFreeBytes Int)	

   Declares a cursor and variables that holds the table and index Type  (Clustered or Nonclustered) 
   and the FillFactor (original) from user tables with indexes.
Declare @TableName sysname
Declare @IndexName sysname
Declare vCursor Cursor For
			Select 	Object_name ( As 'TableName', As 'IndexName'				 			
			From Sysindexes i Inner Join sysobjects o
			Where (Indid = 1 Or Indid Between 2 And 250) And xtype = 'S'

Declare @cmdDBCC Varchar (200)

Open vCursor
Fetch Next From vCursor Into @TableName, @IndexName
While @@Fetch_Status = 0
		Set @cmdDBCC = 'DBCC ShowContig (' + @TableName + ', ' + @IndexName + 
				') With TableResults'
		Insert #SaveResults
		Exec (@cmdDBCC)		
		/*  Fills the #SaveResults Table with all the results of the execution*/
		Fetch Next From vCursor Into @TableName, @IndexName		

/*  Close the cursor because it don't use it anymore   */
Close vCursor
Deallocate Vcursor

/*  Declare variables to save info from the #SaveResults   */
Declare @ObjectName Sysname 				 
Declare @IndexName2 Sysname
Declare @ScanDensity Int
Declare @IndexType Varchar(13)
Declare @Pages  Int
Declare @AverageFreeBytes Int
Declare @Rows Int
Declare @Defrag Char(3)
Declare vCursor2 Cursor For 
			Select ObjectName, IndexName, ScanDensity, 
					When IndexId = 1 Then 'Clustered'
					Else 'NonClustered'
			Pages, [Rows], AverageFreeBytes
			From #SaveResults
Open vCursor2
Fetch Next From vCursor2 Into @ObjectName, @IndexName2, @ScanDensity, @IndexType, 
				@Pages, @Rows, @AverageFreeBytes
While @@Fetch_Status = 0
	/* If fragmentation is above 50 % Then fire the error */
	If @ScanDensity < 50 
			/* Builts the raise error sentence  */
			Declare @Raise Varchar(150)
			Set @Defrag = 'Yes'
			Set @Raise = 'Raiserror (' + Convert(Varchar(10),@Error_no) +
			', 18, 1,' + ''''  + @IndexType + '''' + ',' + '''' +  @IndexName2+ '''' + ',' + '''' +
			 @ObjectName + '''' + ',' + '''' + Convert(Varchar(20),@ScanDensity) + '''' + ')'
			EXEC (@Raise)
	/*  If not just alter the variable  to indicate no defragmentation is needed*/
		Set @Defrag = 'No'

	/*  Insert the results into the temp table created to show the results  */	
	Insert ##ShowResults
		(@ObjectName, @IndexName2, @IndexType, 
		@ScanDensity, @Defrag, @Pages, 

	Fetch Next From vCursor2 Into @ObjectName, @IndexName2, @ScanDensity, @IndexType, 
				@Pages, @Rows, @AverageFreeBytes

Close vCursor2
Deallocate vCursor2

Drop Table #SaveResults

** *************Log File generation********************
Declare @cmd Varchar(1000)
Set @cmd=' EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdShell ' + '''' + 
	'OSQL -E -q"Set Nocount On Select Substring(@@ServerName,1,20) as [Executed On Server:] Select Substring(db_name(),1,20) ' + 
	'AS [Executed On Database:] Select Getdate() as [LogFile generated with the ' + 
	'results of fragmentation in all user Indexes. Date:] Select ' + 
	'SubString(TableName,1,20) as TableName,IndexType, Substring(IndexName,1,20) ' + 
	'as IndexName, [%Frag] as [%Defrag] , Defrag As [Need Defrag.?]  from ##ShowResults" -oC:\Frag_Info.log' + ''''
EXEC (@cmd)
Drop Table ##ShowResults


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