Technical Article

Full, diff and tlog backups based on recovery mode


    This a script which creates stored procedures that can be executed adhoc or set as sql agent jobs to check the recovery status and generate full, differential or transaction log backupf for each database if the database recovery status is set to full.  We have terabytes of data and set all production databases to full and all test and demo databases to simple. This helps to ensure all our production databases are backed up while avoiding unnecessary backups.
    The full and transaction log backup call the sqlmaint utility which simplifies deleting old backups by setting the -delbkup parameter. The differential backup includes an extra vbscript component to delete old backups as you cannot use the sqlmaint utility.
    Complete instructions are in the script so please read and follow carefully. Feel free to email me with any questions. When you get to the visual basic script portion, check the format as unlike SQL, all code must be on the same line or use the ampersand, followed by a space and then the underscore keystroke & _ after each line to continue to the next. My thanks to Mr. Knight as I used his book "SQL Server 2000 for Experienced DBAs" for reference when building components of this script.

/*created by Patty Dunbar 6/6/03*/
/*to implement:
    A-execute sql script to create three stored procedures, usp_fullbackups, usp_diffBackup and
    B-create visual basic script file by following instructions in VBScript section.
    C-Change all 5 paths in marked areas
        Path change 1, change -BkupDB path to location of full backups
        Path change 2, change this path to point to location of diffBackupFileDelete.VBS
        Path change 3, change path to location of differential backups
        Path change 4, change Path next to -BkUpLog to location of transaction log backups
        Path change 5, change path to physical location of vbscript file
    D-Change length of times to keep full, differential or transaction log backus where marked
        Change retention date 1 next to -DelBkups i.e. 2days, 2weeks, etc.
        Change retention date 2 next to -DelBkups i.e. 2days, 2weeks, etc.
        Change retention date 3, change number to subtract from now date
                i.e. 1 to delete after 1day, etc
    E-In SQL Agent, create and enable following jobs
        1.Full Backups, step one type command: exec dbo.usp_fullbackups
        2.Differential backups, step one type command: exec dbo.usp_diffBackup
        3.Transaction Log Backups, step one type command: exec dbo.usp_tlogBackup. 
        Set each job to run according to policy (e.g. full backups weekly, differential daily,
        and tlogs hourly around full and differential times). 
    F- monitor jobs to ensure they execute and check for sufficient disk space.    
    G-also ensure that sql server and agent accounts have sufficient access to backup and vb script 
/*Full Backup */
Use Master
Create procedure dbo.usp_fullBackups
/*Created by Patty Dunbar 6/3/03*/
/*Procedure to check recovery mode of database
and will backup all databases set to full recovery mode*/
declare @dbname varchar(50), @dbid smallint
declare @svr varchar(50), @cmd nvarchar(255)

declare dbnamecur cursor for
select [name], dbid, host_name() as server from dbo.sysdatabases
open dbnamecur
Fetch next from dbnamecur into
@dbname, @dbid, @svr

While @@fetch_status = 0
If (SELECT databasepropertyex(@dbname, 'recovery')) = 'Full'

--Path change 1, change -BkupDB path to location of full backups
 select @cmd = 'exec xp_sqlmaint ' + char(39) + '-S' + char(32) + @svr + char(32) +
	'-D' + char(32) +  @dbname + char(32) + ' -BkUpDB "G:\MSSQL\Backup\FullDatabase" 
	-BkUpMedia DISK  -DelBkUps 1days -WriteHistory ' + char(39) 
	--change retention date 1 next to -DelBkups i.e. 2days, 2weeks, etc.
-- Execute command to place a record in table that holds backup names       
  exec sp_executesql @cmd

--Print 'database ' + @dbname + ' has full recovery and has been backed up on ' + @svr

--Print 'database ' + @dbname + ' has simple recovery and was not backed up on ' + @svr

Fetch next from dbnamecur into
@dbname, @dbid, @svr
close dbnamecur
deallocate dbnamecur
/*Differential Backup*/
Use Master 
Create procedure dbo.usp_diffBackup
/*created by Patty Dunbar 6/6/03*/
/*to implement:
    1- copy vbscript to local folder on sqlserver host
    2-in vbscript, change path next to fdir = to point to location of backups
    3- in this script, next to execute xp_cmdshell, change path to point to vbscript file
    4-execute this script using master database in sql
    5-set sql job to call command: exec dbo.usp_diffBackup as step one
    6-name the job differential backup and schedule per policy */
declare @dbname varchar(50), @dbid smallint
declare @svr varchar(50), @cmd nvarchar(250)
declare @result smallint, @backupfile varchar(50)

/*calls script to delete old backup files*/
--Pathchange 2, change this path to point to location of diffBackupFileDelete.VBS
EXECUTE xp_cmdshell 'CSCRIPT G:\MSSQL\Backup\BackupScript\diffBackupFileDelete.Vbs', no_output

declare dbnamecur cursor for
select [name], dbid, host_name() as server from dbo.sysdatabases 
where  NOT  [name] = 'master'

open dbnamecur

Fetch next from dbnamecur into
@dbname, @dbid, @svr

While @@fetch_status = 0
If (SELECT databasepropertyex(@dbname, 'recovery')) = 'Full'
--Pathchange 3, change path to location of differential backups
    Select @cmd = 'Backup Database' + Char(32) + @dbname +  Char(32) + 'TO Disk='+ Char(32) +
        'N' + Char(39) + 'G:\MSSQL\Backup\DiffDatabase\'+
	@dbname + '_' + CONVERT(char(8),getdate(),112) + Cast(DatePart(HH,getdate()) As Char(2))
    + Cast(DatePart(MI,getdate()) As char(2)) + '.bak' + char(39) + char(32) +
    'With NOINIT, DIFFERENTIAL, Name = N''Diff Backup'', NOSKIP, STATS = 10, NOFORMAT'
    exec sp_executesql @cmd  

Fetch next from dbnamecur into
@dbname, @dbid, @svr

close dbnamecur
deallocate dbnamecur
/*Transaction Log Backups*/
Create procedure usp_tLogBackups
/*Created by Patty Dunbar 6/3/03*/
/*Procedure to check recovery mode of database
and will backup all databases set to full recovery mode*/
declare @dbname varchar(50), @dbid smallint
declare @svr varchar(50), @cmd nvarchar(255)

declare dbnamecur cursor for
select [name], dbid, host_name() as server from dbo.sysdatabases
where not [name] = 'master'

open dbnamecur

Fetch next from dbnamecur into
@dbname, @dbid, @svr

While @@fetch_status = 0
If (SELECT databasepropertyex(@dbname, 'recovery')) = 'Full'

--Path change 4, change Path next to -BkUpLog to location of transaction log backups
 select @cmd = 'exec xp_sqlmaint ' + char(39) + '-S' + char(32) + @svr + char(32) +
	'-D' + char(32) +  @dbname + char(32) + ' -BkUpLog "G:\MSSQL\Backup\Logs" -BkUpMedia DISK  
	-DelBkUps 1days -WriteHistory ' + char(39)        
--change retention date 2 next to -DelBkups i.e. 2days, 2weeks, etc.

-- Execute command   
  exec sp_executesql @cmd

Fetch next from dbnamecur into
@dbname, @dbid, @svr
close dbnamecur
deallocate dbnamecur
/*VBScript to clean up differential backup files
- to implement copy everything in between the do not copy lines into notepad and 
name the file diffBackupFileDelete.vbs .  Ensure the extension is vbs not text or it will not
/*Do not copy this line, start one below*/ /*
'Written by Patty Dunbar 6/6/03
'Cleans up differential backup files
'deletes files if older than OldDate
'events are recorded to event log of host computer executing script, preferably sql server host
Option Explicit
Dim fs, f, bFile, fc,  fileDate, results, fDir, OldDate
'path change 5, change path to physical location of vbscript file, ensure that the sql server
'service and agent have permission to this directory
fDir = "C:\restore\DiffBackups\"  
    	'set this directory to the physical location where the backups are stored

OldDate = (Now() - (1)) 
	 ' date to delete, returns todays date minus the number of days to equal deletion date
'Change retention date 3, change number to subtract from now date
'i.e. 1 to delete after 1day, etc
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFolder(fDir)

Set fc = f.Files
    'begins loop to retrieve all files 
    For Each bFile In fc
    fileDate = GetFileDate(bFile.Path)
    If (fileDate < OldDate) Then 
        results = results & & " created on " & fileDate & " deleted " & vbCrLf 
    	FileDelete(bFile.Path) 'calls sub to remove files
       End IF     
    If (results = "") Then results = "No backup files older than " & OldDate & " to delete."
    LogEvent(results) 'calls sub to log results to event log
    'msgbox results  'uncomment for testing

'Function to the get the date last modified of a backup file    
Function GetFileDate(filePath)
Dim dtFile
Set dtFile = fs.GetFile(filePath)
GetFileDate = dtFile.DateLastModified
End Function 

'Sub which deletes the file
Sub FileDelete(filePath)
Dim dFile
Set dFile = fs.GetFile(filePath)
on error resume next
End Sub 

'sub which logs events
Sub LogEvent(results)
dim logShell
const SUCCESS = 0
const ERROR = 1
const WARNING = 2
const AUDIT_FAILURE = 16
Set logShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
logShell.LogEvent INFORMATION, results
End Sub

Do not copy this line, start one above*/


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