Technical Article

Generate insert statements with column names for any or all tables


Call the stored procedure to generate insert statement for any given table.  Or generate inserts for all tables using something like:

exec sp_MSforeachtable @command1="exec [spd_Build_Insert_Into_Stmt_With_Identity] '?','?','[LINKEDSERVERNAME].DATABASENAME.'"

--Example: For every table in the current database, generate a truncate/insert
exec sp_MSforeachtable @command1="exec [spd_Build_Insert_Into_Stmt_With_Identity] '?','?','[LINKEDSERVERNAME].DATABASENAME.'"

Originally written by:    Jesse McLain
Updated by:                Darren Gordon

alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[spd_Build_Insert_Into_Stmt_With_Identity]
    @Source_Table varchar(200),                        -- req'd; the name of the source table 
    @Target_Table varchar(200) = '',                -- req'd; the name of the target table 
    @FromPrefix varchar(500)='',                    -- String that will be added to the from statement, this lets you use linked server data sources
    @Print_Truncate char(1) = 'Y',                    -- optional; 'Y' to print truncate statement
    @Print_Identity_Insert_Stmts char(1) = 'Y',        -- optional; 'Y' to include the SET IDENTITY_INSERT 
                                                    -- statements in the output
    @Show_Matchless_Columns char(1) = 'N',            -- optional; 'Y' to include the columns from each 
                                                    -- table that have no match in the other table (if 
                                                    -- the tables have slightly different structures);
                                                    -- these columns will be commented-out in output
    @AddGo char(1) = 'Y'                                    -- Add a GO to the end which will allow you to view progress when a batch is running
IF @Source_Table = 'help'
    PRINT 'PROCEDURE [dbo].[spd_Build_Insert_Into_Stmt_With_Identity]'
    PRINT '    @Source_Table varchar(200),                        -- required; the name of the source table '
    PRINT '    @Target_Table varchar(200) = '''',                -- required; the name of the target table '
    PRINT ' @FromPrefix varchar(500)='''',                    -- String that will be added to the from statement, this lets you use linked server data sources '
    PRINT ' @Print_Truncate char(1) = ''Y'',                -- optional; ''Y'' to print truncate statement '
    PRINT '    @Print_Identity_Insert_Stmts char(1) = ''Y'',    -- optional; ''Y'' to include the SET IDENTITY_INSERT '
    PRINT '                                                    -- statements in the output'
    PRINT '    @Show_Matchless_Columns char(1) = ''N''            -- optional; ''Y'' to include the columns from each '
    PRINT '                                                    -- table that have no match in the other table (if '
    PRINT '                                                    -- the tables have slightly different structures);'
    PRINT '                                                    -- these columns will be commented-out in output'
    PRINT ' @AddGo char(1) = ''Y''                            -- Add a GO to the end which will allow you to view progress when a batch is running'


DECLARE @sql_into varchar(8000)
DECLARE @sql_from varchar(8000)
DECLARE @sql varchar(8000)

DECLARE @crlf char(2)
SET @crlf = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)

DECLARE @indent char(1)
SET @indent = CHAR(9)

DECLARE @ColName1 varchar(250)
DECLARE @ColOrder1 smallint
DECLARE @ColType1 varchar(50)
DECLARE @ColLength1 smallint
DECLARE @ColPrec1 smallint
DECLARE @ColScale1 smallint
DECLARE @IsNullable1 tinyint
DECLARE @ColName2 varchar(250)
DECLARE @ColOrder2 smallint
DECLARE @ColType2 varchar(50)
DECLARE @ColLength2 smallint
DECLARE @ColPrec2 smallint
DECLARE @ColScale2 smallint
DECLARE @IsNullable2 tinyint
DECLARE @OrderBy decimal(9,1)

DECLARE Table_Struct_Compare_Cursor CURSOR FOR
    OrderBy = ISNULL(CONVERT(decimal(9,1), ColOrder1), CONVERT(decimal(9,1), ColOrder2) + 0.5)
        ColName1 = C.Name,
        ColOrder1 = C.ColOrder,
        ColType1 = T1.Name,
        ColLength1 = C.Length,
        ColPrec1 = C.XPrec,
        ColScale1 = C.XScale,
        IsNullable1 = C.IsNullable
    FROM SysColumns C
    JOIN SysObjects O1 ON O1.Id = C.Id
    JOIN SysTypes T1 ON T1.XType = C.XType
    WHERE O1.Name = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@Target_Table,'[dbo].',''),'[',''),']','') and T1.Name <> 'sysname') AS C1
        ColName2 = C.Name,
        ColOrder2 = C.ColOrder,
        ColType2 = T2.Name,
        ColLength2 = C.Length,
        ColPrec2 = C.XPrec,
        ColScale2 = C.XScale,
        IsNullable2 = C.IsNullable
    FROM SysColumns C
    JOIN SysObjects O2 ON O2.Id = C.Id
    JOIN SysTypes T2 ON T2.XType = C.XType
    WHERE O2.Name = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@Source_Table,'[dbo].',''),'[',''),']','') and T2.Name <> 'sysname') AS C2
ON C2.ColName2 = C1.ColName1
ORDER BY OrderBy, ColOrder1, ColOrder2

-- init vars:
SET @sql_into = 'INSERT INTO ' + @Target_Table + ' ('
SET @sql_from = 'SELECT '
SET @sql = ''

OPEN Table_Struct_Compare_Cursor 

FETCH NEXT FROM Table_Struct_Compare_Cursor INTO 

    IF @ColName1 IS NULL 
        IF @Show_Matchless_Columns = 'Y'
            --SET @sql_into = @sql_into + @crlf + '--' + @indent + '<no matching column in ' + @Target_Table + ' for column ' + @ColName2 + '>,'
            SET @sql_into = @sql_into + @crlf + '--' + @indent + '<missing:[' + @ColName2 + ']>,'
            SET @sql_from = @sql_from + @crlf + '--' + @indent + '<' + @Source_Table + '.[' + @ColName2 + ']>,'
    ELSE IF @ColName2 IS NULL 
        IF @Show_Matchless_Columns = 'Y'
            SET @sql_into = @sql_into + @crlf + '--' + @indent + '<' + @Target_Table + '.[' + @ColName1 + ']>,'
            --SET @sql_from = @sql_from + @crlf + '--' + @indent + '<no matching column in ' + @Source_Table + ' for column ' + @ColName1 + '>,'
            SET @sql_from = @sql_from + @crlf + '--' + @indent + '<missing: [' + @ColName1 + ']>,'
    ELSE IF @ColType1 <> @ColType2
        SET @sql_into = @sql_into + @crlf + @indent + '[' + @ColName1 + '],'
        SET @sql_from = @sql_from + @crlf + @indent + 'CONVERT(' + '[' + @ColType1 + '], [' + @ColName2 + ']),'
        SET @sql_into = @sql_into + @crlf + @indent + '[' + @ColName1 + '],'
        SET @sql_from = @sql_from + @crlf + @indent + '[' + @ColName2 + '],'

    FETCH NEXT FROM Table_Struct_Compare_Cursor INTO 

CLOSE Table_Struct_Compare_Cursor
DEALLOCATE Table_Struct_Compare_Cursor

SET @sql_into = LEFT(@sql_into, LEN(RTRIM(@sql_into)) - 1) + ')' + @crlf        -- remove trailing comma, add closing paren

SET @sql_from = LEFT(@sql_from, LEN(@sql_from) - 1) + @crlf        -- remove trailing comma
SET @sql_from = @sql_from + 'FROM ' + @FromPrefix + @Source_Table + ';'+ @crlf

PRINT 'select ''Started Populating: ' + @Target_Table + '''+ CONVERT(varchar,GETDATE(),108) ;'
IF @AddGo = 'Y'
    PRINT 'GO '
IF @Print_Truncate = 'Y'
    PRINT 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' + @Target_Table

--If the table does not have an identity column, then do not print the set identity_insert statement which would cause an error
if NOT exists (select 1 from sys.columns sc inner join sys.objects so on so.Object_Id = sc.Object_Id where sc.is_identity = 1 and so.Type = 'u' and so.Name = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@Source_Table,'[dbo].',''),'[',''),']','')) 
    set @Print_Identity_Insert_Stmts = 'N'

IF @Print_Identity_Insert_Stmts = 'Y'
    PRINT 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' + @Target_Table + ' ON;'
PRINT @sql_into
PRINT @sql_from
IF @Print_Identity_Insert_Stmts = 'Y'
    PRINT 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' + @Target_Table + ' OFF;'



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